CMCO: Police forced to block outsiders during Aidilfitri prayer at National Mosque

Firdaus Azil
Mei 24, 2020 05:37 MYT
The police however allowed all the individuals to disperse and only warned them not to gather. - Photo Bernama
Although it has been repeatedly stated that there was no permission for Aidilfitri prayer for the public at the National Mosque, there were still some outsiders who tried to perform the prayer outside the mosque.
Checks by Astro AWANI this morning found that there were attempts by a group of Muslims, including foreigners, to perform the prayer despite still under the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO).
The media understood that the Aidilfitri prayer service at the National Mosque was allowed for only 30 people, consisting of their own staff, and is led by the chief imam of the National Mosque.
However, at the start of the prayer, they were ordered to stop by a team from the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) and Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) for violating the CMCO, and were ordered to gather in front of the National Mosque.
The police however allowed all the individuals to disperse and only warned them not to gather.
Earlier, the media had reported that only the National Mosque was allowed to perform Friday prayers, congregation prayers, Terawih prayers and Aidilfitri prayers during the CMCO in the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya.
Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) director-general Datuk Paimuzi Yahya said the permit was given to the National Mosque as the mosque was the only Muslim worship centre in the green zone.
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