Unlike other by-elections, the coming one for the Chini state seat will be the first ever to be conducted with the new normal and full compliance with the standard operating procedure (SOP) to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is definitely challenging for media practitioners who are used to cramped and crowded places while covering election campaigns.

This time around, they may commit an offence if they fail to adhere to the SOP set by Election Commission during the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) period.

As they seek out news for their media organisations, their presence in large numbers may compromise compliance with the SOP whereas the Election Campaign Enforcement Teams (PP-KPR) is very strict in ensuring that the laws and regulations are obeyed.

Members of the media who usually have no qualms rubbing shoulders with each other as they scramble to conduct interviews or find the best angle for photographs and video recordings must now change the way they execute their work in compliance with the SOP.

Bernama photographer, Faizol Ab Aziz, 39, said he must ensure social distancing is maintained while on duty to safeguard his safety as well as others around him, including colleagues and their families at home.

"We need to follow the SOP especially when we know that the EC has formed the PP-KPR to monitor activities during the campaign period.

“We have to be careful at all times and not to be so close with one another because the monitoring team, which also comprises police officers, will come at us if they find that the way we work could potentially spread the COVID-19 virus,” he told Bernama here today.

Malaysian Gazette journalist Muhammad Azizul Osman, 37, said it is very challenging to do his job while complying to the SOP.

“It is common to interview the candidates during by-election campaigns, but this time, it is very different because we must follow the SOP such as for social distancing.

“To make this easier, I think the EC should have their officers with the media throughout the campaign to advise us before any press conference is held,” he said.

Meanwhile, Pahang EC Director, Datuk Zamree Hamli said besides breaking the COVID-19 chain of infection, compliance with the SOP was crucial to avoid any photos of the media not adhering to social distancing being circulated by other parties.

“This has happened before, which caused the public to question the way the media operate during the COVID-19 outbreak.

“The EC monitoring team will be present at any event or location involving the by-election candidates to advice the media on SOP compliance,” he said.

The Chini state by-election on July 4 is a three-cornered fight between Mohd Sharim Md Zain, 41, of Barisan Nasional (BN) and two independent candidates, Tengku Datuk Zainul Hisham Tengku Hussin, 64, and Mohd Shukri Mohd Ramli, 49. - BERNAMA