Independent Islamic preacher and entrepreneur Ebit Irawan Ibrahim Lew or popularly known as Ebit Liew was today one of the recipients of the National Premier Youth Awards 2020 under the special award category today.

The award was presented by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin in conjunction with the national level National Youth Day 2020 celebrations at the Persada Johor International Convention Centre here.

Ebit Lew said although he felt that he was not worthy of the recognition, he nevertheless was grateful and hoped that the award would be an inspiration to the young.

"I am aware that I am not qualified because many more have sacrificed and are fighting the cause. I am but only one person among the many (who are helping others) but I am grateful and honoured to receive this award and am happy to be among the youth," he said when met after accepting the award.

He received a trophy, a certificate and RM10,000 in cash and was among 13 individuals honoured at the ceremony.

Meanwhile, Raudhatul Ain Rosni, who lost her battle against leukemia on July 5, was posthumously honoured with the COVID-19 Youth Hero Award for her charity work.

Accepting the award on her behalf was her father Rosni Mat Shuhod, 67.

Raudathul's mother Safiah Serjuni said she was unaware of the extend of her only daughter's work in charity because she was secretive about it.

"On the day of her death, many people came to visit, people even crossed states. I am sad over her passing but accept it as fate," she said while adding that her daughter was still helping people even when her health condition was declining.