After missing more than 24 hours, a boy believed to be abducted near the Mara building in Plaza Astana here yesterday, was returned to his family this afternoon.

Ubai Mohammad, 56, the grandmother of Haiqal Hakimi Suhini, seven, said her grandson was returned by a man on a motorcyle to her house at Kampung Tupong Ulu Baru.

"At about 2pm or 3pm while I was folding clothes, a man came to bring back my grandson.

"The man said he found my grandson by the roadside and brought him home. I am so thankful my grandson is safe and thank you also to all who have helped (to search for him), including the police and public," she told Bernama when met at the village.

According to Ubai, her grandson informed that while in the man's house, he was well taken care of and was also asked to play video games.

Meanwhile the boy's father, Suhini Abdullah, 36, said he was not in the house when the man sent his son back and was grateful that Haiqal Hakimi was home safely.

A check by Bernama while at the family's house showed that several policemen were at the scene and brought Haiqal Hakimi and his parents to the hospital for medical examination.

Earlier police Kuching police chief ACP Abang Ahmad Abang Julai confirmed receiving a report of a missing boy who was abducted in an incident near Mara Building, Plaza Astana at about 1pm yesterday.

He said Suhini had lodged a police report at the Gita police station at about 4.35 pm yesterday after finding his son, who was left at his in-laws' house while he sent his wife to clinic for treatment missing, believed abducted.

"Initial investigations via CCTV recording near the place of incident found the boy who was playing alone outside the house, was taken by a woman wearing baju kurung and headscarf," he told a media conference at Kuching police headquarters here.