A total of 1,585 phishing websites, which imitate original or legitimate websites in order to obtain personal or financial information, have been blocked so far this year, the Dewan Rakyat was told.

Deputy Information Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum said those phishing websites were part of the 1,675 websites blocked so far this year.

Last year, 1,475 websites were blocked as a preventive measure, he said in reply to Datuk Ismail Kasim (BN-Arau) during question time.

Joseph Salang said 32 investigation papers were opened last year, while 74 other cases were being investigated for new media-related offences under the Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 (Act 588) this year.

When replying a supplementary question from Dr Tan Seng Giaw (DAP-Kepong), the deputy minister said the government had never hesitated to take action against any blogs which found to have been posting lies about the country's leaders.

Joseph Salang said whoever accused or defamed by any blog postings could lodge a report to the authority, such as the police and the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), for further action. "Reports can also be lodged if it involves other ministries... the ministry and the authority are not bias and we will take appropriate action to address all reported issues," he added.