Pendedahan terbabit dibuat oleh Nelissa menerusi sebuah entri terbaharu di akaun Instagram miliknya.
Nelissa memuat naik foto alat penguji kehamilan bersama kapsyen panjang lebar yang berbunyi seperti berikut:
"This Ramadan has tested me in ways I never thought I would be tested ... Unfortunately I found out my husband of 3 years cheated on me while I was 6 months pregnant with his child.
"When I found out, it felt like my whole world had come crashing down and that I would not have the will to get through it.
"Thankfully I’m finding the strength in me through the support of close family and friends that is helping me pick up the pieces that he so carelessly broke.
"I never knew I was married to someone that is capable of such a heartless act. But I believe that everything happens for a reason and that Allah has better plans for me and my baby.
"Even though this Ramadan has been the toughest for me to endure, I’m thankful for all that it has thought me and will continue to teach me. It will only get better from here, Insya-Allah. #singlemother," tulis Nelissa.

Menerusi pemerhatian di di laman Instagram Nelissa, wanita itu telah memadamkan fotonya bersama Ammar beserta kapsyen di atas.
Di ruangan komen, rata-rata pengikut Nelissa memohon agar wanita itu tabah menghadapi dugaan.
Buat masa ini, Ammar belum memberikan sebarang komen berkenaan dengan perkara ini.
Ammar dan Nelissa mendirikan rumah tangga pada 6 Mac 2016 dan kandungan ini merupakan kehamilan pertama Nelissa semenjak berkahwin.