MOSCOW: RUSSIA'S communications regulator Roskomnadzor on Friday warned Walt Disney Co against distributing content it said was harmful to children in Russia with its release of a short film, "Out", which features a gay main character.

Roskomnadzor said it had sent a letter to Disney noting that it was against Russian law to distribute information which "denies family values and promotes non-traditional sexual relationships" to children.

"Out" was released on Disney+ in the United States last year.

Disney did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Same-sex relationships are legal in Russia, but a 2013 law bans disseminating "propaganda on non-traditional sexual relations" among young Russians. Human rights groups have condemned the legislation, saying it has helped increase social hostility towards homosexuality.

A Russian prosecutor on Monday called for Dolce & Gabbana Instagram advertisements showing same-sex couples kissing to be banned in the country.