As the international media is abuzz with reports on Russian President, Vladimir Putin’s early departure from the G20 Summit after fielding an abundance of criticism from Western leaders over Russia’s allegedly aggressive role in the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, a political analyst however has interpreted the move from another perspective.

According to Senior Lecturer at University Malaya’s Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Dr Noor Sulastry Yurni Ahmad, the move merely represented the personality of a leader.

“There is no significant impact on the course of the summit from the move and it does not mean he had been pressured by the West. Leaving the summit early is not something ‘unusual’.

“We need to understand that Russians and their leaders are not like Asians who usually follow protocol in various situations. They have their own style of doing things,” Noor Sulastry said adding that she believed Putin had been brave when faced with various allegations against Russia.

Noor Sulastry said, Putin’s courage can also be clearly seen when he recently claimed that Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH17 was shot down by a fighter jet.

“Putin’s disclosure together with proof brings on a different perspective which should be viewed by the world community towards the tragedy that befell Flight MH17.

“Of course, there will be a demand for an in-depth investigation, especially from countries with victims on board, specifically Malaysia who has since been unable to act due to the mystery surrounding what really happened in the tragedy,” she said.

Noor Sulastry opined, there is still an opportunity to conduct direct negotiations or through a third party in the bid to find out the truth behind the MH17 tragedy.

“We need to understand that Putin is a very strong leader who is safe and protected. Pressure or sanction threats on Russia is not really a problem for Putin.

“If anything does happen towards Putin, the world community will see it as a move by the United States and its Western allies who seem to want to ‘end’ any story regarding the incident,” Noor Sulastry said.

During the G20 Summit, Putin was said to have been awarded a frosty reception by other world leaders over Ukraine to the extent of him being ‘sidelined’.

Several international news portals said Putin received an abundance of criticism from Western leaders especially from the Canadian and British prime ministers.

Russia recently shook the world after a satellite image surfaced which it said reinforced its claims that MH17 was shown down by a Ukrainian fighter jet and not a surface to air missile.