SINGAPORE:Singapore will no longer waive the costs of stay at dedicated Stay-Home Notice (SHN) facilities for Singapore Citizens (SCs) and Permanent Residents (PRs) from Jan 1, 2021.

The republic’s Health Ministry said the new approach is applicable to those who last left Singapore before March 27, 2020.

“Stay in self-isolation facilities is now a widely-accepted requirement of international travel in a COVID-19 world. The vast majority of SCs and PRs who last left Singapore within the past year have returned,” it said in a statement here yesterday.

Similarly, the ministry said all returning as well as new SCs, PRs, and Long-Term Pass Holders (LTPHs) will also be responsible for their inpatient medical bills, should they develop onset of symptoms within 14 days of their arrival in Singapore.

However, they will be able to tap on regular healthcare financial arrangements for their inpatient medical bills such as government subsidies and MediShield Life or Integrated Shield Plan for SCs and PRs, and private insurance for LTPHs, it said.

The ministry said the Singapore government has thus far borne the costs of stay at dedicated SHN facilities and medical bills for COVID-19 treatment for SCs and PRs who last left Singapore before March 27, 2020.

The government has also borne the costs of COVID-19 medical bills for new SCs, PRs, LTPHs, and existing LTPHs who departed Singapore before March 27, 2020.

All other incoming travellers meanwhile have had to pay for these costs as part of their private expenses, subject to the applicable healthcare arrangements for their bills, it said.