Seorang lelaki berdiri di sebelah tanah runtuh yang disebabkan oleh Taufan John, di Acapulco, Mexico. - Gambar Reuters
MEXICO CITY: Sekurang-kurangnya lima maut selepas Taufan John melanda negeri Guerrero di selatan Mexico, lapor
"Terdapat lima kematian setakat ini," kata Presidennya Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador kepada pemberita pada Khamis.
Menurut laporan, sekitar 700 rumah rosak akibat taufan itu.
Taufan itu mendarat di Guerrero pada malam Isnin dengan kelajuan angin sekitar 195 kilometer sejam, menurut pihak berkuasa.
Pada Rabu, Gabenor Guerrero Evelyn Salgado melaporkan dua kematian akibat taufan itu.
Taufan John dijangka membawa hujan lebat di barat dan selatan Mexico.
Niaga SPOTLIGHT: Costing The Silent Threat of Obesity
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Malaysia are a growing burden on the health system, with a number of associated health issues and economic costs.
The annual cost of healthcare for NCDs is estimated to be over RM 9.65 billion. Meanwhile, the cost of disability and loss of healthy life years is estimated to be around RM 100.79 billion. Absenteeism due to NCDs is estimated to cost the Malaysian economy RM 2.6 billion annually.
From the common NCDs, obesity is one of THE most significant health threats, with nearly 20% of the Malaysian population currently classified as obese.
Additionally, more than half of all adults (54%) are overweight or obese. According to the World Obesity Atlas, this figure could rise to 41% in Malaysia by 2035, if preventive action is not taken.
Niaga Spotlight focuses on immediate strategies to address this growing silent threat of Obesity, which also burdens the national healthcare system as well as national productivity levels with significant impacts and costs.