Consider This: Kelantan Shariah Laws (Part 2) - What Rules of Engagement for Civic Discourse?

In the aftermath of the Federal Court’s decision to nullify 16 of Kelantan’s state Shariah criminal provisions, police have urged restraint and warned against provocations. How can we as a society engage in constructive dialogue without exacerbating tensions or promoting divisiveness? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa, founder and director of the Islamic Renaissance Front, which describes itself as a movement promoting intellectual discourse on Islam.

Mon Feb 26 2024

Consider This: Kelantan Shariah Laws (Part 2) - What Rules of Engagement for Civic Discourse?

In the aftermath of the Federal Court’s decision to nullify 16 of Kelantan’s state Shariah criminal provisions, police have urged restraint and warned against provocations. How can we as a society engage in constructive dialogue without exacerbating tensions or promoting divisiveness? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa, founder and director of the Islamic Renaissance Front, which describes itself as a movement promoting intellectual discourse on Islam.
Consider This: UK Elections - Foregone Conclusion? (Part 2)

Consider This: UK Elections - Foregone Conclusion? (Part 2)

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is in a fierce battle to retain his position, facing a formidable challenge from Labour leader Keir Starmer. As the Conservatives brace for what could be a historic defeat, all eyes are on whether Labour will secure a decisive victory. However, is it a foregone conclusion? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Hafiz Marzukhi speaks to Karisma Putera Abdul Rahman, Policy Research Analyst at Bait Al Amanah
Consider This: UK Elections - Foregone Conclusion? (Part 1)

Consider This: UK Elections - Foregone Conclusion? (Part 1)

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is in a fierce battle to retain his position, facing a formidable challenge from Labour leader Keir Starmer. As the Conservatives brace for what could be a historic defeat, all eyes are on whether Labour will secure a decisive victory. However, is it a foregone conclusion? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Hafiz Marzukhi speaks to UM's Assoc Prof Dr Roy Anthony Rogers, Deputy Executive Director (Development, Research, & Innovation), Asia Europe Institute
Consider This: Federalism - When States Want More

Consider This: Federalism - When States Want More

Recently Johor and Penang have made headlines with their push for a larger share of the taxes they collect. Johor, at the urging of regent Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, is seeking 20 to 30 percent of its collected taxes, while Penang is seeking 20 percent. These demands are raising important questions about decentralisation and financial autonomy. Additionally, Sabah and Sarawak’s unique position under the MA63 adds to the complexity of these discussions. How should Malaysia navigate the demands for greater funds? On the episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to economist Professor Dr Jomo Kwame Sundaram, and Dr Tricia Yeoh, CEO of IDEAS Malaysia.
Consider This: Digital Health Records — The Vision for Seamless Healthcare

Consider This: Digital Health Records — The Vision for Seamless Healthcare

While Malaysia has made efforts to digitalise its public-healthcare system over the last three decades, however recurring barriers have hampered the establishment of a nationwide system. This is according to Khazanah Research Institute’s recent publication: Digital Health Records In Malaysia: The Journey and the Way Forward. How prepared is Malaysia to embrace this digital shift, and what does it mean for healthcare providers and patients alike? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to Dr Rachel Gong, Deputy Director of Research at Khazanah Research Institute, and Ilyana Syafiqa Mukhriz Mudaris, Research Associate at KRI.
Consider This: Bajau Laut (Part 2) — Statelessness & Displacement of Sea Nomads

Consider This: Bajau Laut (Part 2) — Statelessness & Displacement of Sea Nomads

More than 500 people from the Bajau Laut community in Semporna, Sabah, were evicted by the authorities last week, and their stilt houses demolished, some even burned. The plight of the Bajau Laut has since dominated national attention after several video recordings of the incident were uploaded to social media with the hashtag #PandangKeSabah. On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to Dr Vilashini Somiah, an anthropologist at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Universiti Malaya, and Wong Kueng Hui, director of the independent youth group Mandiri Borneo.
Consider This: Bajau Laut (Part 1) — Homes Demolished in Controversial Eviction

Consider This: Bajau Laut (Part 1) — Homes Demolished in Controversial Eviction

More than 500 people from the Bajau Laut community in Semporna, Sabah, were evicted by the authorities last week, and their stilt houses demolished, some even burned. The plight of the Bajau Laut has since dominated national attention after several video recordings of the incident were uploaded to social media with the hashtag #PandangKeSabah. On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to Mukmin Nantang, founder of the Sabah-based NGO Borneo Komrad, who first uploaded the now viral videos. For almost a decade, Borneo Komrad has been running Sekolah-Sekolah Alternatif, which provides free education for stateless, undocumented, and under-served children in Sabah.
Consider This: Malaysian Palm Oil (Part 1) — Impact of New EU Rules on Smallholders

Consider This: Malaysian Palm Oil (Part 1) — Impact of New EU Rules on Smallholders

The Malaysian palm oil sector, which is the second-largest producer globally after Indonesia, is facing mounting challenges, particularly from the European Union's incoming Deforestation Regulation. This regulation aims to halt the sale of any products linked to deforestation in its markets. Despite efforts to promote sustainability through certification schemes like MSPO and RSPO, questions remain: Can certification alone redeem palm oil's tarnished reputation? And how might the EU’s new regulation impact smallholders, who produce about 40% of the total output of palm oil in Malaysia? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to Dr Serina Rahman, Lecturer at the Department of Southeast Asian Studies at National University of Singapore, where her research interests include political ecology through the lens of environmental anthropology and ethnography.
Consider This: Malaysian Palm Oil (Part 2) — Navigating EU's Deforestation Regulation

Consider This: Malaysian Palm Oil (Part 2) — Navigating EU's Deforestation Regulation

The Malaysian palm oil sector, which is the second-largest producer globally after Indonesia, is facing mounting challenges, particularly from the European Union's incoming Deforestation Regulation. This regulation aims to halt the sale of any products linked to deforestation in its markets. Despite efforts to promote sustainability through certification schemes like MSPO and RSPO, questions remain: Can certification alone redeem palm oil's tarnished reputation? And how might the EU’s new regulation impact smallholders, who produce about 40% of the total output of palm oil in Malaysia? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to Khor Yu Leng, Senior Economist at Segi Enam Advisors & Associate Director for Sustainability at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs.
Consider This: Population Trends (Part 2) — Living in an 8 Billion World

Consider This: Population Trends (Part 2) — Living in an 8 Billion World

In November 2022, the world’s population surpassed 8 billion people—we’ve added a billion people in just 12 years and expected to add another 2 billion persons in the next 30 years. Crossing this milestone raises important questions concerning the impact of human activities on the planet and its ability to sustain life for humans and other species. What are the implications of 8 billion people on planetary health and sustainability? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to John Wilmoth, Director of the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, which leads the monitoring of global demographic indicators. John Wilmoth was a speaker at the International Social Wellbeing Conference 2024, organised by EPF.
Consider This: Population Trends (Part 1) — Living in an 8 Billion World

Consider This: Population Trends (Part 1) — Living in an 8 Billion World

In November 2022, the world’s population surpassed 8 billion people—we’ve added a billion people in just 12 years and expected to add another 2 billion persons in the next 30 years. Crossing this milestone raises important questions concerning the impact of human activities on the planet and its ability to sustain life for humans and other species. What are the implications of 8 billion people on planetary health and sustainability? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to John Wilmoth, Director of the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, which leads the monitoring of global demographic indicators. John Wilmoth was a speaker at the International Social Wellbeing Conference 2024, organised by EPF.
Consider This: Political Economy (Part 2) — Robert Reich on America's “Rigged System”

Consider This: Political Economy (Part 2) — Robert Reich on America's “Rigged System”

In his latest book ‘The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It’, Robert Reich argues that power and wealth in the US are concentrated within the same group of wealthy individuals and corporations who hold much power over the economy. Are there parallels in other countries like Malaysia? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to Robert Reich, Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley. He is co-creator of the award-winning documentary film Inequality for All, and the co-founder of Inequality Media. He has served in three US administrations, including as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton Administration, for which Time Magazine named him one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century. Robert Reich was a speaker at the International Social Wellbeing Conference 2024, organised by EPF.
Consider This: Political Economy (Part 1) — Robert Reich on America's “Rigged System”

Consider This: Political Economy (Part 1) — Robert Reich on America's “Rigged System”

In his latest book ‘The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It’, Robert Reich argues that power and wealth in the US are concentrated within the same group of wealthy individuals and corporations who hold much power over the economy. Are there parallels in other countries like Malaysia? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to Robert Reich, Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley. He is co-creator of the award-winning documentary film Inequality for All, and the co-founder of Inequality Media. He has served in three US administrations, including as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton Administration, for which Time Magazine named him one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century. Robert Reich was a speaker at the International Social Wellbeing Conference 2024, organised by EPF.
Consider This: Is There a Crisis of Confidence in Human Rights?

Consider This: Is There a Crisis of Confidence in Human Rights?

Mr Volker Türk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights was recently in Malaysia for an official 3-day mission during which he spoke to Melisa Idris on #ConsiderThis for an exclusive interview about the UN’s enduring fight for human rights despite growing conflict, distrust and polarisation globally.
Consider This: Mental Health (Part 2) — One Million Malaysians Battling Depression

Consider This: Mental Health (Part 2) — One Million Malaysians Battling Depression

According to the most recent National Health and Morbidity Survey, one million individuals aged 15 and above in Malaysia are suffering from depression, with half of them harbouring thoughts of self-harm or thinking they were “better off dead”. Equally concerning is that the data also reveals that mental health problems among children have more than doubled since 2019, now affecting one in six children. How can we translate this data into effective national policies that go beyond addressing awareness and stigma, to ensure robust institutional support and comprehensive care for mental health? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to Farihin Ufiya, Director of the non-profit Mental Health Aid Association (Nyawa). It is a Strategic Partner to the Ministry of Health.
Consider This: Mental Health (Part 1) — Translating Data into Policy Pathways Forward

Consider This: Mental Health (Part 1) — Translating Data into Policy Pathways Forward

According to the most recent National Health and Morbidity Survey, one million individuals aged 15 and above in Malaysia are suffering from depression, with half of them harbouring thoughts of self-harm or thinking they were “better off dead”. Equally concerning is that the data also reveals that mental health problems among children have more than doubled since 2019, now affecting one in six children. How can we translate this data into effective national policies that go beyond addressing awareness and stigma, to ensure robust institutional support and comprehensive care for mental health? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to Associate Professor Dr Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin, Consultant Psychiatrist at Universiti Malaya.