Consider This: AI Governance — Shaping Malaysia’s AI Future & Ambitions
Artificial intelligence is rapidly becoming a part of our daily lives but as technology evolves more rapidly than governance frameworks, the question is no longer if Malaysia should govern AI, but how—how fast and how much. A new white paper by the Institute of Strategic & International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia seeks to unpack what AI governance really means, and why it matters for Malaysia’s future. On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks with Farlina Said, fellow in Cyber and Technology Policy at ISIS Malaysia, and Adilah Junid, Director of Legal and Government Affairs at Microsoft Malaysia.
Fri Jan 17 2025

COP28: Why it matters and 5 key areas for action
Climate change is ranked in the top 10 threats in the World Economic Forums latest Global Risks Report.
Fri Dec 01 2023

Factbox - What are the new BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 coronavirus variants, and why it matters
BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 are among the more than 300 sublineages of the Omicron variant circulating globally.
Sun Nov 06 2022

Analysis: How China's Xi accumulated power, and why it matters in a third term
Xi Jinping is expected to extend his decade-long leadership for another five years - or beyond.
Mon Oct 10 2022

Top Glove's rising COVID-19 cases: Why it matters
A record-breaking number of 1,884 new cases of COVID-19 were recorded on Monday with more than half (1,067) belonging to the cluster of cases originating from Top Gloves factories.
Tue Nov 24 2020

Vaccine diplomacy: Why it matters?
While some countries are racing to produce COVID-19 vaccine, others are engaging in vaccine diploacmy to get first dibs on the vaccine.
Wed Sep 02 2020

Perubahan iklim: Adakah Singapura akan tenggelam?
Menurut ramalan Pusat Penyelidikan Iklim Singapura, republik tersebut bakal mengalami peningkatan paras air laut sehingga satu meter menjelang tahun 2100.
Mon Dec 23 2019

KLIYD 2017: Peluang anak muda bertukar pandangan dengan pemimpin
KLIYD 2017 dengan tema Embracing Total Security: Why It Matters adalah kali kedua diadakan selepas penganjurannya pada tahun lalu.
Sat Nov 25 2017