50,783 orang disahkan terkorban dalam gempa bumi kuat di Turkiye
Seramai 50,783 orang disahkan terkorban dalam dua gempa bumi kuat yang melanda Turkiye awal tahun ini, kata Menteri Dalam Negeri Suleyman Soylu pada Sabtu.
Sun Apr 23 2023

Turkey's quake toll tops 48,000 as govt races to build container cities
The combined death toll including those killed in Syria has climbed to more than 54,000.
Tue Mar 14 2023

Turkey steps up rebuilding plans as quake toll nears 50,000
Suleyman Soylu said 313,000 tents had been erected, with 100,000 container homes to be installed in the disaster zone.
Fri Feb 24 2023

Turkey investigates building contractors as quake toll rises
Suleyman Soylu said 564 suspects had been identified so far, with 160 people formally arrested and many more still under investigation.
Thu Feb 23 2023

Gempa bumi Turkiye: Angka korban kini mencecah 43,556
Angka kematian akibat gempa bumi yang melanda selatan Turkiye pada 6 Feb kini meningkat kepada 43,556 nyawa, kata Menteri Dalam Negeri Turki Suleyman Soylu pada Rabu.
Thu Feb 23 2023

Death toll from powerful twin earthquakes in southern Turkiye rises to 42,310
AFAD said the quakes, centred in Pazarcik and Elbistan districts of Kahramanmaras province, were followed by 7,184 aftershocks.
Wed Feb 22 2023

Fresh earthquake hits Turkey-Syria border two weeks after disaster
Three people were killed and more than 200 injured, Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said.
Tue Feb 21 2023

Turkey blames deadly bomb on Kurdish militants; PKK denies involvement
The explosion killed six people in Istanbul and police detained 47 people including a Syrian woman suspected of planting the bomb.
Tue Nov 15 2022

Turkey blames Istanbul blast on Kurdish militants, arrests 22, including bomber
The person who carried out the incident, left the bomb, was detained, Turkey's Interior Minister confirms.
Mon Nov 14 2022

Wildfire in southwest Turkey enters third day
Some 274 people were evacuated as a precaution, officials have said.
Fri Jun 24 2022

Gempa bumi Laut Aegea: Enam terbunuh dalam runtuhan bangunan di Turki
Enam terbunuh manakala 202 lagi cedera dalam runtuhan bangunan di wilayah Izmir, Turki susulan gempa bumi kuat yang melanda Laut Aegea pada Jumaat.
Fri Oct 30 2020

Strong earthquake strikes Aegean Sea, shaking Turkey, Greece
Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said on Twitter that six buildings had collapsed in two districts of Izmir province.
Fri Oct 30 2020

60 migran dikhuatiri terperangkap dalam kejadian kapal karam
Turki melancarkan misi mencari dan menyelamat yang melibatkan helikopter dan kapal selepas kapal yang membawa migran itu karam.
Wed Jul 01 2020

COVID-19: Menteri Turki letak jawatan kerana cetus panik
Suleyman Soylu merupakan salah seorang tokoh paling kanan dalam pemerintahan Presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Mon Apr 13 2020

Turkey says detains 1,000 'secret imams' in police purge
The nationwide sweep was one of the largest operations in months against suspected supporters of the cleric, Fethullah Gulen, a former ally of President Tayyip Erdogan.
Wed Apr 26 2017