Bintang 'Spice Girls' Mel B dedah hanya ada £700 selepas berpisah dengan bekas suami
Daripada kehidupan yang serba mewah, dia terpaksa tinggal dengan ibunya dan berkongsi bilik yang sama dengan anak-anak.
Sun Feb 25 2024

Dilaporkan muflis, Mel B kini mengemis bantuan rakan-rakan
Anggota kumpulan Spice Girl, Mel B, dilaporkan muflis selepas mengambil keputusan untuk bercerai dengan bekas suaminya, Stephen Belafonte.
Wed Jul 12 2017

Spice Girl Mel B gets restraining order after accusing husband of abuse
Spice Girl Melanie 'Mel B' Brown was granted a restraining order against her estranged husband after filing court papers claiming he had emotionally and physically abused her.
Wed Apr 05 2017

Spice Girl Mel B files for divorce from husband of nearly ten years
Court papers filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Monday show that British pop star Brown, 41, and husband Stephen Belafonte, a TV producer, have been separated since December.
Wed Mar 22 2017