Carian mengenai topik spca-selangor

Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai spca-selangor dari Astro Awani

Consider This: Animal Abuse (Part 2) — Legal & Social Solutions

Consider This: Animal Abuse (Part 2) — Legal & Social Solutions

Despite the Animal Welfare Act, cases of cruelty to animals persist— raising questions about the effectiveness of current laws and enforcement. What changes are necessary to plug the gaps in taking action against those who perpetrate cruelty to animals? On this episode of #ConsiderThis Melisa Idris speaks to Christine Chin, Chairperson of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Selangor.
Wed Jul 24 2024
The Future is Female:  Be Kind To Every Kind

The Future is Female: Be Kind To Every Kind

Melisa Idris speaks to Christine Chin, Chairperson of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Selangor (SPCA Selangor) about responsible pet ownership and animal rescue, and what is needed to create a caring and compassionate community that lives in harmony with all animals.
Sun Feb 12 2023
Pemilik haiwan perlu bertanggungjawab atau bersedia hadapi tindakan

Pemilik haiwan perlu bertanggungjawab atau bersedia hadapi tindakan

Semua pemilik haiwan peliharaan harus bertanggungjawab terhadap kesejahteraan haiwan di bawah jagaan mereka atau bersedia menghadapi tindakan didakwa di bawah Akta Kebajikan Haiwan (AWA) 2015.
Sun Mar 24 2019
SPCA Selangor gesa masyarakat bantu buru pendera kucing

SPCA Selangor gesa masyarakat bantu buru pendera kucing

SPCA Selangor menggesa semua pihak membantu polis dalam usaha memburu dua lelaki yang baru-baru ini dirakam kamera litar tertutup memasukkan seekor kucing ke dalam mesin pengering kain.
Thu Sep 13 2018