Sergio Moro

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Bekas presiden Brazil diberi kata dua, serah diri atau berdepan tangkapan

Bekas presiden Brazil diberi kata dua, serah diri atau berdepan tangkapan

Sergio Moro mengeluarkan perintah itu beberapa jam selepas Mahkamah Agung Persekutuan menolak permohonan habeas corpus yang bertujuan mengelak Lula menjalani hukuman penjara 12 tahun.
Fri Apr 06 2018
Ex-Brazil President Lula sentenced to nearly 10 years for corruption

Ex-Brazil President Lula sentenced to nearly 10 years for corruption

The ruling marked a stunning fall for Lula, one of the country's most popular politicians, and a serious blow to his chances of a political comeback.
Thu Jul 13 2017