It's About YOUth: Moral policing: The cost to women’s rights
From period spot checks at schools to sexist laws, moral policing comes in many forms. Abdullah Nishad from KRYSS Network and Sarah Czarina Mashanis from Family Frontiers discuss the impact of moral policing on women and the path towards a more accepting, compassionate society.
Fri Dec 13 2024

MOE views seriously allegations of period spot checks at schools - Radzi
MOE is taking a serious view of the alleged practice of period spot checks on female students at a school here.
Wed Oct 27 2021

Period spot checks: "Tell me at which school" - Radzi Jidin
The Ministry of Education (MOE) is investigating if such incidents are taking place at boarding schools under the ministry, yet so far there was no indication that such practice existed.
Mon Apr 26 2021

'Period spot checks' langgar hak, salah di sisi undang-undang
Hal ini kerana, wujudnya unsur-unsur gangguan dan penderaan seksual ketika melakukan perbuatan tersebut.
Sat Apr 24 2021

'Period spot checks' a violation of child's rights - Suhakam
Suhakam has described "period spot checks" as a violation of a child's rights and against the law as they have the element of sexual harassment or abuse.
Fri Apr 23 2021

KPWKM views 'period spot check' seriously; Will investigate - Rina
Rina said that the incident should not have occurred, and as such, investigations will be carried out to ensure that it will not repeat.
Fri Apr 23 2021