
Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai osteoarthritis dari Astro Awani

Common knee osteoarthritis jab 'ineffective' - Study

Common knee osteoarthritis jab 'ineffective' - Study

Hyaluronic acid, a gel-like substance, has long been injected into the joint aiming to lubricate movement and decrease pain.
Sat Jul 09 2022
Turun berat badan penting untuk rawat osteoarthritis

Turun berat badan penting untuk rawat osteoarthritis

Dianggarkan sekitar tujuh peratus penduduk dunia iaitu 500 juta orang di seluruh dunia menderita OA.
Thu Mar 24 2022
Weight loss key to managing obese patients with osteoarthritis

Weight loss key to managing obese patients with osteoarthritis

The most common type of arthritis affecting the cartilage of a joint that is caused by injury or wear and tear of the joints over the years.
Thu Mar 24 2022
Rasa sakit sendi, lutut berbunyi atau bengkak? Ini pencegahan awal yang boleh anda ambil!

Rasa sakit sendi, lutut berbunyi atau bengkak? Ini pencegahan awal yang boleh anda ambil!

Penyakit Osteoarthritis iaitu sejenis penyakit sendi yang kerap dihidapi dan merupakan salah satu penyumbang terbesar dalam kekurangupayaan global.
Sun Oct 17 2021
Yoga helps alleviate arthritis, boosts mood: study

Yoga helps alleviate arthritis, boosts mood: study

Yoga may be especially well suited to people with arthritis because it combines physical activity with potent stress management and relaxation techniques.
Thu Sep 17 2015
The pros and cons of swaddling your child

The pros and cons of swaddling your child

While many parents say swaddling is soothing and aids their child's sleep, research has shown links with osteoarthritis and hip replacement in middle age.
Wed Oct 30 2013