After arrest in SNP funding probe, Scotland's Sturgeon says 'I am innocent'
Nicola Sturgeon was detained after voluntarily attending interview on fate of SNP funds.
Mon Jun 12 2023

Humza Yousaf wins race to be Scotland's next leader, vowing to revive independence
Humza Yousaf succeeds Nicola Sturgeon as leader of the governing Scottish National Party.
Wed Mar 29 2023

Humza Yousaf pemimpin Islam pertama terajui Scotland
Pelantikan itu sekali gus menyaksikan Humza menjadi pemimpin termuda dan Muslim pertama menerajui kerajaan di Eropah barat.
Wed Mar 29 2023

Scottish First Minister Sturgeon to resign - BBC
Sturgeon is expected to resign as the first minister of Scotland later on Wednesday after eight years in the job.
Wed Feb 15 2023

Menteri Pertama Scotland Nicola Sturgeon bakal letak jawatan
Menteri Pertama Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon meletak jawatan selepas berkhidmat selama lapan tahun.
Wed Feb 15 2023

UK perlu adakan pilihan raya awal - Sturgeon
Dalam sistem demokrasi, rakyat perlu diberi mandat untuk memilih pemimpin, selepas pergolakan politik dan ekonomi yang berlanjutan.
Thu Oct 20 2022

'Ini jiran kami, lepaskan mereka', komuniti Glasgow halang tindakan pihak imigresen
Penunjuk perasaan mempersoalkan tindakan pihak imigresen menjalankan serbuan pada hari pertama Aidilfitri.
Fri May 14 2021

New independence referendum at heart of contest as Scots vote for new parliament
Sturgeon has described the election as the most important in her country's history.
Thu May 06 2021

COVID-19: Scotland umum sekatan tahap tertinggi bendung varian baharu
Sekatan yang lebih ketat diperlukan negara itu bagi mengekang varian berkenaan.
Tue Dec 22 2020

Explainer: What is period poverty?
In some parts of the world, taboos surrounding periods even make menstruating women unwelcome in public places.
Thu Nov 26 2020

COVID-19: Scotland umum sekatan peringkat tertinggi di 11 kawasan
Menteri Pertama Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon mengumumkan 11 kawasan akan dimasukkan ke dalam sekatan koronavirus peringkat tertinggi negara itu selama tiga minggu.
Tue Nov 17 2020

Brexit: Election to break the deadlock?
While the E.U has allowed the U.K more time to negotiate a divorce deal (the third such postponement this year), it seems that an election on Dec 12 may be the only way out of the Brexit impasse.
Wed Nov 20 2019

SNP tidak akan sokong perjanjian Brexit Johnson
Beliau mendakwa, perjanjian yang diumumkan pada Jumaat itu akan menyebabkan Scotland tersisih daripada pasaran tunggal Kesatuan Eropah (EU) tanpa kerelaan mereka.
Sat Oct 19 2019