Kabinet Thailand akan bincang langkah hadapi pencemaran udara
Orang ramai digesa memakai pelitup muka N95 untuk melindungi diri daripada zarah halus yang berbahaya.
Tue Jan 21 2025

COVID-19: AS bakal edar 1 bilion kit ujian pantas secara percuma
Ia akan diedarkan kepada rakyat Amerika Syarikat berserta pelitup muka N95 sebagai perlindungan.
Thu Jan 13 2022

Choosing the right face mask for better protection during pandemic
Think of face masks as the latest trending accessory that can save your life and the lives of those you love.
Wed Aug 18 2021

Google Doodle honours Dr Wu Lien-teh, man behind the mask
Google Doodle paid tribute to Dr Wu on the doctor's 142nd birth anniversary.
Wed Mar 10 2021

Time to wear a better mask, experts say
Marr says how well a mask works depends on two things: filtration and fit.
Tue Feb 09 2021

Syarikat pengeluar kereta, Ford, bakal perkenal topeng lut sinar
Ford telah menerima paten topeng pernafasan lut sinar dengan fungsi sebaik topeng N95, dan kini menanti untuk mendapat kelulusan untuk dibangunkan.
Sun Feb 07 2021

Japan researchers show masks do block coronavirus, but not perfectly
When a mask was attached to the coughing head, cotton and surgical masks blocked more than 50% of the virus transmission.
Thu Oct 22 2020

IMARET extends aid to COVID-19 red zones
The aid had been distributed to hospitals, health clinics and prisons handling COVID-19 cases in Sabah and Kedah.
Mon Oct 05 2020

Medical masks best, cotton good, bandanas worse: droplet study
Medical masks offer significantly more protection against droplet spread than cotton alternatives while bandanas don't do much at all.
Fri Aug 21 2020

Padah jual pelitup muka mahal, dikompaun RM2,000
Sepasukan empat pegawai bergegas untuk memeriksa premis berkenaan pada kira-kira pukul 12 tengah hari semalam sejurus selepas pihaknya menerima aduan mengenai perkara itu.
Tue Jun 02 2020

Overpriced N95 masks: Premises issued with RM2,000 compound
The premises was issued with a RM2,000 compound as the operator had violated Section 11 the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011.
Tue Jun 02 2020

Jual pelitup muka lebih harga siling, pemilik premis runcit dikompaun RM10,000
Pemilik premis, seorang wanita berusia 45 tahun, telah menjual 70 unit pelitup muka tiga lapis dengan harga RM2.40 seunit.
Tue May 26 2020

N95 face masks priority for healthcare personnel in ICU, COVID-19 wards - Noor Hisham
Healthcare personnel in normal clinics can use a three-layer face mask when not dealing with COVID-19 patients.
Mon Apr 20 2020

Keutamaan topeng muka N95 untuk petugas kesihatan di ICU, wad COVID-19 - Noor Hisham
KKM menegaskan bahawa penggunaan topeng muka jenis N95 diberi keutamaan kepada petugas kesihatan di ICU dan wad rawatan COVID-19.
Mon Apr 20 2020

KKM akui kesukaran dapatkan bekalan topeng N95, tumpu kepada KN95
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) mengakui kesukaran untuk mendapatkan topeng muka N95 pada ketika ini.
Tue Apr 14 2020