Government pensioner makes mud balls to treat water
The couple, Mohd Nashir Yaacob and his wife Ramlah Salim, both 61, made mudballs from organic materials at their house in a village which found a high demand in Kelantan and outside the state.
Wed Jul 22 2020

Pesara kerajaan cipta bebola tanah liat rawat air
Pasangan suami isteri menghasilkan mudball daripada bahan organik di rumah di kawasan kampung, mendapat permintaan tinggi di dalam negeri dan luar Kelantan.
Tue Jul 21 2020

Politeknik Kota Bharu creates mudballs to clean contaminated water
It was a joint effort between the lecturers and students in her department to create the mudball, Greenyxia, made of clay compound mixed with several other organic materials.
Sun Dec 25 2016