The British physicist making women scientists visible online
Jessica Wade writes biographies on Wikipedia about women researchers like her who don't have an online presence.
Fri Apr 28 2023

Hospital stay risk for Omicron is 40-45 pct lower than Delta - UK study
Imperial College researchers said the risk of any visit to the hospital with Omicron was between 20 pct and 25 pct lower than with Delta.
Thu Dec 23 2021

England sees record COVID prevalence in October - Imperial study
It is led by a high number of cases in children and a surge in the south-west of the country.
Thu Nov 04 2021

COVID-19 infections in England have quadrupled since June
Research showed cases were estimated to be doubling every six days as a new wave fuelled by the Delta coronavirus variant picks up pace.
Thu Jul 08 2021

Over 2 million in England may have had long COVID, study finds
The findings suggested older people were more likely to suffer long COVID, with a 3.5 pct increase in likelihood with each decade of life.
Thu Jun 24 2021

Petronas buka pusat teknologi global di dua universiti utama di UK
Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) menubuhkan dua pusat teknologi dan penyelidikan baharu di Imperial College London dan Heriot-Watt University di United Kingdom (UK) untuk menggalakkan kemajuan teknol
Fri Jun 11 2021

Magic mushroom compound at least as good as antidepressant in UK study
The findings suggest the psychoactive ingredient has promise as a potential mental health treatment.
Thu Apr 15 2021

Opera singers help UK Covid patients to breathe easier
After a successful six-week pilot, the English National Opera is now rolling out its "ENO Breathe" programme to 1,000 patients.
Sun Feb 07 2021

What we do and don't know about new COVID mutations
Scientists have tracked multiple mutations of Sars-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 since it appeared in China in late 2019.
Sat Jan 09 2021

COVID-19: MOH has taken all important measures
In the early phases, JP Morgan and MIER predicted that the number of COVID-19 cases by mid-April would increase to between 5,000 and 8,000 cumulatively.
Fri Dec 25 2020

COVID's cognitive costs? Some patients' brains may age 10 years
Cognitive tests measure how well the brain performs tasks such as remembering words or joining dots on a puzzle.
Tue Oct 27 2020

Asymptomatic virus sufferers lose antibodies sooner: Study
Findings suggest the loss of antibodies was slower in 18-24 year-olds compared to those aged 75 and over.
Tue Oct 27 2020

UK study finds evidence of waning antibody immunity to COVID-19 over time
Scientists at Imperial College London tracked antibody levels in the British population following the first wave of COVID-19 infections in March and April.
Tue Oct 27 2020

Pakej rangsangan pandemik dunia mampu pulihkan perubahan iklim
Dunia akan kembali ke landasan betul dalam hal memulihkan isu perubahan iklim dengan melaburkan satu per 10 daripada 12 trilion dolar pakej rangsangan untuk pandemik.
Fri Oct 16 2020

Biasiswa YDPA: "Masih bawa nama negara, tapi cara berbeza" - Bryan Lim
Itu pengakuan bekas atlet tenis kebangsaan, Bryan Lim Wei Tern, yang bakal melanjutkan pengajian di peringkat PhD dalam bidang Kepintaran Buatan (AI) dan Robotik di Imperial College, London.
Tue Jul 21 2020