Ibrahim Sani’s Notepad: Whitepaper To Tackle Social Wellbeing
Examining the intersection of health policy and social wellbeing, offering insights and recommendations to foster improved overall health outcomes by addressing social determinants of health with Dr Helmy Haja Mydin Chief Executive Officer, Social and Economic Research Initiative (SERI).
Thu Jul 06 2023
Health Matters with Dishen Kumar (EP18): Asthma - Breathe Easy!
Health Matters looks at Asthma, a disease we know all too well but why is people still being diagnosed suffering from it? We also look at common misconceptions related to Asthma and handling the disease the right way.
Mon Mar 14 2022
Health Matters: Asthma - Symptoms, Diagnosis & Medication
Dishen Kumar speaks to Dr Helmy Haja Mydin, Consultant Respiratory Physician on what Asthma patients go through and how this disease is not as easy to diagnose as others.
Mon Mar 14 2022
Health Matters: Asthma - Fact or Fiction?
There are many myths surrounding the respiratory disease and in this age of misinformation, we debunk famous myths of the disease and people suffering from Asthma.
Mon Mar 14 2022

Larangan penjualan produk tembakau, misi mustahil? Agenda AWANI 9 malam ini
Mampukah cadangan kerajaan untuk melarang penjualan rokok kepada individu yang lahir selepas 2005 dilaksanakan?
Fri Feb 11 2022

Pakar respiratori persoal keputusan benarkan MP buka pelitup muka ketika berbahas di Dewan Rakyat
Dr Helmy Haja Mydin menegaskan, tujuan utama memakai pelitup muka adalah untuk mengelakkan tersebarnya aerosol.
Mon Oct 11 2021

COVID-19 vaccine vital to reducing morbidity, death rates - Specialist
Dr Helmy Haja Mydin said this includes frontliners, who are at higher risk on a regular basis as a consequence of facing the dangers brought about by the virus.
Fri Jan 22 2021

Kerajaan perlu laksana kaedah komprehensif bendung COVID-19 - SERI
Kerajaan diminta segera mengambil langkah-langkah pengawalan komprehensif di zon merah untuk mengurangi penyebaran virus COVID-19.
Fri Jan 08 2021

Govt must implement urgent measures immediately to curb COVID-19 - SERI
The measures include delaying any general election until the pandemic is under control, shutting down travel that allows people to travel out of red zones and banning non-essential events.
Fri Jan 08 2021

Awas pesakit asma! Jangan sedut alat pelega lebih dua kali seminggu
Penggunaan alat sedut pelega lebih daripada dua kali seminggu akan meningkatkan serangan asma.
Thu Sep 24 2020

Ini tiga golongan berisiko tinggi jika 'gelombang ketiga' COVID-19 melanda...
Malaysia berkemungkinan akan mendapat banyak kes-kes positif yang baharu, dari negara-negara jiran dengan kadar yang tinggi.
Fri Mar 20 2020