Sweet and healthy: Researchers are working on a nutrient-rich version of milk chocolate
Dark chocolate, whose high levels of phenolic compounds provide multiple anti-inflammatory health benefits.
Sat Aug 22 2020
Sarapan coklat gelap mungkin baik untuk anda - kajian
Laporan Food Business News menyebut kajian berkenaan disokong hasil penyelidikan di Syracuse University yang menunjukkan coklat gelap memberi manfaat kepada otak dari segi daya ingatan dan fokus.
Fri Nov 17 2017
Dark chocolate is good for your heart and arteries
Chocolate lovers now have one good reason to stock up on the dark stuff after studies show it can help protect the heart.
Sun Oct 25 2015
Artist creates edible chocolate room
Artist Anya Gallaccio will be installing 'Stroke', an interactive chocolate room, at the Edinburgh sculpture garden Jupiter Artland.
Sat May 24 2014
Five snacks to boost energy
Here is a list of 5 small snacks that can deliver a boost of energy and calm cravings without undermining your calorie-cutting efforts.
Mon Feb 03 2014