INSIGHT - How bond vigilantes could check Trump's power
As Donald Trump takes office on January 20, concerns over bond vigilantes in the US have resurfaced, according to several market experts.
Sun Jan 19 2025

INSIGHT - The al Qaeda plot to kill Bill Clinton that history nearly forgot
The bomb intended for Bill Clinton was found atop an electrical box on a bridge along the original route.
Fri Mar 29 2024

Trump, lawyers sanctioned nearly $1 million for 'political' lawsuit vs Clinton
The sanctions were warranted because Trump had exhibited a pattern of misusing the courts to further his political agenda.
Fri Jan 20 2023

Bekas Presiden AS Bill Clinton positif COVID-19
Clinton yang berusia 76 tahun hanya mengalami "gejala ringan".
Thu Dec 01 2022

Former US President Clinton tests positive for COVID
Bill Clinton said that he has tested positive for COVID-19 and experiencing mild symptoms.
Thu Dec 01 2022

Madeleine Albright, former US secretary of state and feminist icon, dies at 84
Albright who fled the Nazis as a child in her native Czechoslovakia during WWII had died of cancer, her family announced.
Thu Mar 24 2022

Hillary Clinton tests positive for COVID-19
The news came the same day that White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced that she tested positive for COVID-19 for the second time.
Wed Mar 23 2022

Hillary Clinton umum positif COVID-19
Beliau turut memaklumkan bahawa suaminya bekas Presiden Bill Clinton telah diuji negatif dan berada dalam keadaan sihat.
Wed Mar 23 2022

Berita antarabangsa pilihan sepanjang hari ini
Antara pelbagai berita luar negara yang disiarkan di Astro AWANI, berikut adalah antara yang paling menjadi tumpuan sepanjang hari ini.
Mon Oct 18 2021

Bill Clinton back home after hospitalization from infection
He gave a thumbs-up when a reporter asked how he was feeling, and he and Hillary Clinton then boarded a black SUV.
Mon Oct 18 2021

Bill Clinton dibenarkan keluar hospital
Suhu badan dan bacaan sel darah putih Clinton didapati normal dan beliau akan pulang ke New York.
Mon Oct 18 2021

Former US President Clinton making progress but will remain in hospital
Clinton will remain overnight in a Southern California hospital following a urological infection.
Sun Oct 17 2021

Bill Clinton dirawat di ICU akibat jangkitan dalam darah
Bekas pemimpin itu menerima rawatan sepsis dipercayai disebabkan jangkitan kuman dalam darah.
Fri Oct 15 2021

'Impeachment' star says series aimed to 'redeem' Monica Lewinsky
A television series debuting next month delves into the impeachment of former US President Bill Clinton.
Sat Aug 21 2021

Trump mulling pardons on last full day in power
For Trump, the main piece of unfinished business is now the expected slew of pardons that he is reported to be preparing.
Tue Jan 19 2021