Second son of Thailand's king makes surprise return after 27 years
Vacharaesorn Vivacharawongse has no formal royal title though he technically retains a status bestowed as a grandson of a monarch.
Tue Aug 08 2023

Mantan PM Thailand Jeneral Prem Tinsulanonda meninggal
Media tempatan melaporkan negarawan itu mengalami kegagalan jantung pada kira-kira 9.10 pagi (waktu tempatan) di Phramongkutklao Hospital, Bangkok.
Sun May 26 2019

Siapa Raja Vajiralongkorn, Raja Rama X Dinasti Chakri?
Beliau merupakan anak lelaki tunggal dan menjadi Putera Mahkota pada 1972, pada usia 20 tahun. Kini beliau berusia 66 tahun.
Sat May 04 2019

Majlis pemahkotaan Raja Vajiralongkorn
Negara gajah putih itu akan menyaksikan Majlis Pemahkotaan Raja Maja Vajiralongkorn sebagai Raja Thailand yang baharu.
Fri May 03 2019

Permaisuri Sirikit dimasukkan ke hospital akibat jangkitan virus influenza
Permaisuri Sirikit, 86 tahun dilaporkan dimasukkan ke hospital akibat dijangkiti virus influenza.
Mon Aug 20 2018

After year of mourning Thailand's 'floating basket' festival returns
The mourning ended on Monday after a five-day funeral last week, and many citizens have returned to wearing coloured garments after having stuck to black for a year.
Fri Nov 03 2017

Technicolour Thailand is back after a black-clad mourning year for late king
Hundreds of thousands of people thronged Bangkok's historic quarter to bid farewell last week to King Bhumibol, who died in October 2016.
Mon Oct 30 2017

Upacara lima hari persemadian diraja Thai berakhir
Raja Maha Vajiralongkorn mengetuai satu upacara menyemadikan abu mayat mendiang ayahandanya, Raja Bhumibol Adulyadej di dua wat Buddha bersejarah.
Sun Oct 29 2017

Late Thai king's remains returned to palace after night of tears
His seven-decade rule spanned some of the most tumultuous moments in Thai history, including several coups, a deadly crackdown on student protesters, natural disasters and a regional financial crisis.
Fri Oct 27 2017

Sea of black as thousands gather for Thailand's late King Bhumibol Adulyadej
The Great Victory Chariot carrying the Royal Urn of Thailand's late King Bhumibol Adulyadej is pulled during a royal cremation procession.
Thu Oct 26 2017

Thai community in Ipoh pays last respects to King Bhumibol
The death of Thailand's beloved King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 89, has devastated not just the people of that nation, but also those who have long resided here.
Thu Oct 26 2017

Thousands turn out to see lavish funeral of Thailand's late king
The king's cremation will feature ancient rites and a series of processions winding from the Grand Palace in Bangkok's historic quarter to the 50-metre (165-feet) high Royal Crematorium.
Thu Oct 26 2017

Apa yang anda perlu tahu mengenai Upacara Persemadian Raja Thailand
Upacara Persemadian Diraja dianggap bersejarah bagi Thailand itu juga menandakan berakhirnya tempoh berkabung rasmi selama setahun.
Wed Oct 25 2017

Tears in rain as Thais gather for late king's funeral
The five-day Buddhist ceremony, which begins on Wednesday, has taken nearly a year to prepare and 3 billion baht ($90 million) has been set aside to pay for the funeral.
Wed Oct 25 2017

Sultan Nazrin wakili Malaysia ke upacara persemadian Diraja Thailand
Sultan Perak Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah dan Permaisuri Perak Tuanku Zara Salim akan mewakili Malaysia pada Upacara Persemadian Diraja mendiang Raja Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Mon Oct 23 2017