Johor Sultan buys stake in Perth's historic hospital
The Sultan of Johor has acquired part of Perth's old Sunset Hospital in the suburb of Dalkeith for A$8.5 million, according to the Australian Associated Press (AAP).
Fri May 22 2015
Melbourne Airport has plans for 3rd runway
Melbourne Airport says its plans for a third runway, new road and a rail link will help the city cope with a doubling in passenger numbers.
Mon May 20 2013
Lapangan Terbang Melbourne rancang wujudkan landasan ke-tiga
Lapangan Terbang Melbourne mempunyai perancangan untuk membina landasan ketiga, jalan baharu dan hubungan rel yang akan membantu bandar raya itu menampung peningkatan sekali ganda bilangan penumpang.
Mon May 20 2013