Amy Winehouse biopic 'Back to Black' a celebration, its makers say
The biographical feature film follows Amy Winehouse's rise to fame and portrays her relationships with her family and former husband.
Tue Apr 09 2024

The Weeknd cancels concert in California mid-performance, says he lost his voice
After four songs, The Weeknd said he needed to cancel the show and told the audience they will be getting their money back.
Mon Sep 05 2022

Flying sushi: Israel readies for delivery drone traffic jams
The demonstration was part of a 20 million shekel, or about $6 million, public-private initiative to advance Israel's drone technology.
Sun Oct 17 2021

Vietnamese coffee industry to go global
Though COVID-19 has brought challenges to the coffee industry, businesses can nevertheless seek to adapt by exploring innovative and value-added ideas for Vietnamese coffee.
Mon Aug 23 2021

Immunotherapy effective treatment for cancer - Oncologist
Dr Abel said immunotherapy is a new alternative treatment for cancer patients, apart from the conventional chemotherapy.
Mon Jun 28 2021

A year after Diamond Princess, cruise industry eyes return
A year after the ship went into quarantine off Japan, the cruise industry is hoping passengers will help steer them to calmer waters.
Wed Feb 17 2021

Young Venezuelans turn to adult content to survive crisis
OnlyFans began as an online platform meant for celebrities and 'influencers' but has morphed into a hub for adult content.
Wed Jan 13 2021

COVID-19: Empat lagi kluster baharu dikenal pasti
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia telah mengesan sebanyak empat lagi kluster baharu dikenali sebagai Kluster Bonggaya, Kluster Jambatan B, Kluster Abell dan Kluster BMU.
Fri Nov 13 2020

Satu kluster baharu di Kuching, Lawas kini zon kuning COVID-19
Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Bencana Negeri (JPBN) Sarawak hari ini mengisytiharkan Kluster Abell sebagai kluster baharu COVID-19 di negeri itu.
Fri Nov 13 2020

Indonesia tahan lelaki Perancis cabul lebih 300 kanak-kanak jalanan
Polis menemui banyak video di komputer riba miliknya menunjukkan suspek, Francois Camille Abello mencabul lebih daripada 300 kanak-kanak.
Fri Jul 10 2020

'Rasa macam paru-paru nak meletup' - Pesakit gambarkan derita dijangkiti COVID-19
Pasti ramai yang tertanya-tanya bagaimana wabak ini boleh meragut nyawa mangsanya.
Fri Feb 21 2020

APEC 2018: Perdana Menteri tiba di Papua New Guinea
Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad selamat tiba di Papua New Guinea (PNG) sempena Mesyuarat Pemimpin-Pemimpin Ekonomi APEC (AELM) Ke-26 yang bermula esok.
Fri Nov 16 2018

Selebriti kecam H&M gara-gara iklan "monyet paling 'cool' dalam hutan"
Kumpulan selebriti terkenal mengutuk keras kempen iklan baru H&M UK.
Thu Jan 11 2018

Philippines says Duterte 'alive and well', amid health rumours
The 72-year-old Duterte's low profile has fuelled rumours he is in declining health and that the government is trying to keep that under wraps. He was last seen in public a week ago.
Tue Jun 27 2017

Thirteen killed, 31 injured in California tour bus crash
A tour bus crashed into the back of a tractor-trailer on a Southern California highway before dawn on Sunday, killing 13 people and injuring 31, authorities said.
Mon Oct 24 2016