Carian mengenai topik Wuhan

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Perisikan Jerman: COVID-19 mungkin bocor dari makmal Wuhan

Perisikan Jerman: COVID-19 mungkin bocor dari makmal Wuhan

Pada tahun 2020, Agensi Perisikan Asing Jerman (BND) menganggarkan dengan kebarangkalian 80 hingga 90 peratus bahawa koronavirus yang mencetuskan pandemik COVID-19 telah dilepaskan secara tidak sengaja dari Institut Virologi Wuhan di China. Menurut laporan media tempatan Jerman, BND mempunyai petunjuk mengenai eksperimen "gain-of-function" di institut tersebut.
Thu Mar 13 2025
Festival Musim Bunga: Wuhan antara lokasi sambutan

Festival Musim Bunga: Wuhan antara lokasi sambutan

Sebagai bandar persimpangan utama di tengah China, gala itu mempamerkan daya tarikan Wuhan dengan pemandangan kehidupan malam yang sibuk dan meriah di sepanjang Sungai Yangtze.
Wed Jan 29 2025
CIA now says COVID-19 'more likely' to have come from lab

CIA now says COVID-19 'more likely' to have come from lab

The agency had for years said it could not conclude whether COVID-19 was the result of a lab incident or it originated in nature.
Mon Jan 27 2025
COVID-19 berkemungkinan berpunca dari makmal

COVID-19 berkemungkinan berpunca dari makmal

Agensi Perisikan Pusat (CIA) telah menilai bahawa pandemik COVID-19 "lebih berkemungkinan" berpunca daripada sebuah makmal berbanding sumber semula jadi, menurut kenyataan jurucakap agensi itu pada Sabtu.

Selama bertahun-tahun, CIA tidak dapat membuat kesimpulan muktamad sama ada COVID-19 berasal dari insiden makmal atau dari alam semula jadi.
Sun Jan 26 2025
Wuhan usaha hapus label pandemik selepas lima tahun cetus wabak

Wuhan usaha hapus label pandemik selepas lima tahun cetus wabak

Hospital Huoshenshan di Wuhan yang siap dibina hanya dalam tempoh beberapa hari selepas lonjakan kes COVID-19 pernah dianggap sebagai simbol perjuangan menentang virus yang mula merebak di bandar China itu.
Sun Jan 19 2025
Scammers prey on young Chinese desperate for jobs in bleak economy

Scammers prey on young Chinese desperate for jobs in bleak economy

A teen seeking a job at Wuhan cosmetic surgery clinic was told surgery would help him earn money by gaining followers through livestreaming.
Sun Aug 18 2024
China's drivers fret as robotaxis pick up pace - and passengers

China's drivers fret as robotaxis pick up pace - and passengers

Ride-hailing and taxi drivers face job loss threats from AI as thousands of robotaxis begin operating on Chinese streets.
Fri Aug 09 2024
Fauci denies suppressing COVID lab leak theory before US House panel

Fauci denies suppressing COVID lab leak theory before US House panel

Dr. Anthony Fauci said he never influenced research on the origins of the virus.
Tue Jun 04 2024
Study reveals history and oceanic voyages of remarkable baobab tree

Study reveals history and oceanic voyages of remarkable baobab tree

The baobab lineage originated in Madagascar roughly 21 mln years ago and reached Africa and Australia sometime in the past 12 mln years.
Fri May 17 2024
China launches probe into surrogacy, fake paternity tests in Wuhan

China launches probe into surrogacy, fake paternity tests in Wuhan

The suspension comes amid several investigations related to the issuance of fake birth certificates as surrogacy is illegal in China.
Wed Nov 29 2023
WHO asks China for details on outbreaks of respiratory illness

WHO asks China for details on outbreaks of respiratory illness

Chinese authorities from National Health Commission held a press conference on Nov. 13 to report an increase of respiratory disease.
Thu Nov 23 2023
Scientists see risk of lost opportunity for long COVID research in China

Scientists see risk of lost opportunity for long COVID research in China

Global disease experts say little is known about China's experience with long-term COVID effects.
Tue Oct 17 2023
WHO chief pushes China for full access to determine COVID's origins - FT

WHO chief pushes China for full access to determine COVID's origins - FT

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has for long been pressing China to share its information about the origins of COVID-19.
Mon Sep 18 2023
US suspends federal funding to Wuhan lab over non-compliance

US suspends federal funding to Wuhan lab over non-compliance

HHS said it wants to bar the Chinese research body from participating in government procurement and non-procurement programs going forward.
Thu Jul 20 2023
No direct evidence COVID started in Wuhan lab - US intelligence report

No direct evidence COVID started in Wuhan lab - US intelligence report

The report said the agencies had not found evidence of a specific incident that could have caused the outbreak.
Mon Jun 26 2023