Lebih ramai majikan beku pengambilan pekerja pada 2021
Pengambilan pekerja akan lebih tertumpu kepada bidang seperti strategi perniagaan, pendigitalan, penjagaan kesihatan dan tenaga diperbaharui
Thu Jan 28 2021

Upskill & Reskill Talent - The Way Forward
It is always costly to lose good talents as companies would have already invested in their training and development. So what can companies do moving forward to retain their valuable talent?
Fri Oct 11 2019

Give HR A Seat At The Management Table
Country Head of Robert Walters Malaysia Kimberlyn Lu feels that it is essential for HR to shift from an operational to management role to allow a more efficient match of talent and company's ambitions
Sun Jun 30 2019

Why should I take your job?
Good talents have choices. So, when faced with a new offer, their key question is why should I take your job? Kimberlyn Lu, Country Head of Robert Walters Malaysia weighs in.
Tue Mar 26 2019

Kimberlyn Lu: Post GE14 Clears The Path To Recruitment In 2019
Recruitment specialist Robert Walters says companies are gearing up to hire in 2019 once theres more clarity in Malaysias direction post GE14.
Sat Dec 15 2018