Rating hampir 100 peratus, 5 filem James Bond ini mungkin paling hebat pernah dihasilkan
Tahukah anda terdapat lima filem James Bond yang meraih skor tertinggi di laman web Rotten Tomatoes?
Sat Oct 16 2021

Daniel Craig kembali ... sebagai James Bond
Daniel Craig dan Danny Boyle bakal bekerja dalam filem aksi James Bond seterusnya yang akan tiba di pawagam pada Oktober 2019.
Fri May 25 2018

Daniel Craig confirms he will return as James Bond
Asked by host Stephen Colbert whether he would return as James Bond, Craig responded: "Yes", to cheers from the audience.
Wed Aug 16 2017

Daniel Craig swears off more Bond - for now
"We're done. All I want to do is move on," says Daniel Craig, before placing an important caveat over his willingness to appear in further James Bond films.
Fri Oct 09 2015