No time for 'Ps' and 'Qs'? Just mind your 'Ss'

Razak Chik
April 15, 2014 11:39 MYT
The weeks of frenetic search throughout the past month and more has taken its toll the abuse of the letter s.
THE weeks of frenetic search throughout the past month and more has taken its toll – the abuse of the letter `s’. I have watched with great incredulity the public abuse of the hapless consonant. Before anyone takes to trolling me on Twitter, no, this is not my meander into frivolity.
What does it say; how are we to convey – any meaningful message – when we appear to be afflicted by an inability to decide when to drop or attach the poor alphabet. In Bahasa Malaysia, it is dead easy to denote plurality. Repeat a noun twice to show an increase in any item.
In English, one adds the letter `s’. But wait for it, English, being what it is; if full of exceptions. Sometimes the same spelling works in the singular, and the plural version.
But hey, this is not some classroom and I am no English Language teacher – that should have been done and dusted all those years ago in school. So when even at this stage we cannot do it right, then someone should – look in the mirror and admit all those hours spent in the classroom has come to nought!
So at the risk of being accused of a lack of patriotism, giving succour to the enemy, airing dirty linen in public, holier than thou or even being unnecessarily didactic; please, please, please; our communications team, drop the `assess’.
I take no pleasure in doing this, but someone has to do the dirty job. No one has found the wherewithal to point it out so far. Others smirk in the background. Me, sorry; but I must tell the emperor to inspect his wardrobe.
Hand on heart – who among you out there agree that right at the very off, the team that stood before an expectant public when Flight 370 went rogue did a good job?
Discount the conflicting statements – what of the presentation? By our standards it might have been adequate but in the fiery gaze of the international media, it appeared rather bumbling.
So if you let me begin. For a start, can someone; or has someone; in the Armed Forces taken their Supremo to one side and whispered in his ear how to RESPOND when there is a need to come up with a RESPONSE?
Has anyone told the numero duex in the Foreign Ministry that if someone wants to be accommodated in Everly at an airline’s expense, he should prove himself to be the legitimate sole NEXT-OF-KIN, and not bring a bas sekolah-load of KIN(S)?.
Then, let us all consult our globe so that we never get tongue tied over the ‘la’ in Australia versus the ‘ar’ in Austria.
And, he may be Mr Smooth, Suave and Sophisticated, but our own HH was not immune to a little verbal stumble. Yes, he has been building for himself much CREDIT, thrust in the limelight as the face of the nation during the news conferences televised before a global audience. But if ACCREDITATION he had sought, perhaps speech coaches offering elocution lessons might be a profession of interest.
Here’s a `Do You Want To Be A Millionaire” clincher question – what is the plural of DATA?
And, just to be a little more helpful – one craft; many crafts; but when it comes to aircraft; losing ONE aircraft is as tragic as losing a MILLION aircraft!
The point of my rambling this time – after taking a long, self-enforced MH370-hunting break – is that we must get our act together, especially in the face of natural disaster.
Take a leaf from the Aussies. That they appear to be miles ahead, and considered far more organised and therefore seemingly go about their work with great competence is just down to one thing – verbal communication. PM Abbot and JACC’s Houston were not crucified, were they? Whilst one raised hopes in Beijing, the other threw in a little wet blanket down under in Perth!
They, have an important headstart – they did not have problems with their `assess’!
#'s' #consonant #English #plural #public abuse #search #singular #Twitter