How important is Anwar?

Zan Azlee
Februari 12, 2015 08:50 MYT
Many people don't want to admit how important Anwar Ibrahim is in Malaysia's political arena. But that doesn't mean he isn't.
Almost everyone I spoke to, before and after Anwar Ibrahim’s rejected appeal against his sodomy case last Monday, has told me that they weren’t bothered if he was found guilty or not.
Most of them said that all politicians are the same no matter what party or side they come from - all they do is just say things and do things to keep themselves popular and relevant.
In fact, I have the same thoughts too when it comes to politics. And a political party’s success should not be determined by an individual and a good succession plan should always be in place.
However, we fail to realise that Anwar has been the only individual that has been able to form a strong opposition coalition in this country, which is important for a balanced democracy.
Under the leadership of Anwar, even the liberal DAP and the religious PAS can put aside their differences and come together in unity in parliament and state assemblies.
We also need to realise that the conviction (or convictions) against Anwar seems to reek of political motivation. Who has ever been convicted for sodomy in this country before?
And if it is true that the case (cases) is politically motivated, then it tells of a very smelly and negative side of the country’s judiciary and its influences of which we all should be concerned.
So as much as it is sensationalised and old news at the same time, Anwar being convicted and sent to jail for the third time is a very significant and prominent issue for Malaysia indeed.
However, it’s significance may not be a totally negative one.
Many predict the fragile Pakatan Rakyat will crumble now that their leader has been sent off to prison, and this is rightfully so because the cracks have always been obvious.
But this would be the opportunity for them to prove that they are a worthy opposition and not just a coalition that was formed with the sole purpose of fighting for one man’s justice.
If the past general election is an indicator, a majority of the country’s population (52%) had voted for Pakatan, and many of these voters are young and new voters.
So young that many might not even be able to relate to the 1998 Reformasi movement when Anwar was first arrested under his first sodomy charge.
What this means is that many Malaysians believe in the ideals of the coalition and they made their voices heard through their votes. So the ordinary people actually are important.
This should be the opportunity for Malaysia to mature as a society and not be caught up with irresponsible politics that only serve the good of those in power.
Malaysians need to show that the power is in their hands and not in individual politicians. And these politicians should only be the representatives of the people.
Anwar Ibrahim can come and go. But the people will always be here.
#Anwar Ibrahim #reformasi #sodomy