GST, women and womanhood

Linawati Adnan
April 4, 2015 03:44 MYT
At long, long last, the government of Malaysia enforced the Goods and Services Tax (GST) was enforced on April 1. Throughout the day, I was unrealistically (no pun, intended) hoping that the the powers-that-be would expect a series of breaking news – shout “April Fool!” and the GST would vanish.
Sorry, folks. This is how I entertain myself nowadays - by cracking below-the-belt jokes, keeping my optimism high for as long as I can.
For after all, it seems that almost everyone in this country take everything to be funny, anyway.
And since most of my colleagues have gone to rant about the GST, I feel compelled to talk about how the six per cent tax would affect the rakyat in the country and most importantly, Gen-Y women.
In light of the recent detention of media practitioners by the Malaysian police, I’m too grateful that there are still issues that Malaysians can talk about – some subjects that were once deemed taboo – out in the open in a civilized manner – i.e. menstruation.
So much so that there is a public proposal titled, “Stop taxing Malaysian Women for Their Periods. Period.’
At Press time, a whopping 13,309 adult females had signed the petition -- aimed at raising concerns over having to fork out that additional six per cent for a box of sanitary towels -- every month.
READ: Opposition proposes GST exemption on sanitary napkins
Mind you, I found myself contemplating to sign the petition.
In the end, I didn't. Only because I believe that as much as babies need their diapers women too need these 'second skin' on monthly basis.
A screengrab from showing the petition on calling for the women's sanitary pads to be GST-exempted. As at April 3, a whopping 12,300 women have signed the petition.
My Gen-Y girlfriend who is still single bluntly asked me: “how could you even compare us women with babies? There are always napkins, if you don’t want to buy diapers – and it saves the environment too."
This led me to my next question: so, what about adult diapers? Are they not GST-exempted too? We don’t see old folks handing out petitions. Who is fighting for their well-being?
My point is that, from this "don’t tax my menses" scenario, via my observation; (younger) women today are not getting the bigger picture. They tend to be self-centered and unforgiving.
I see this even more, especially our Gen-Y women – to me, this is downright disappointing.
Before anything else, though, I will never be prepared for any sort of ‘defense’ for any statements I state here, but, I’m ready and will say my piece on why I feel so – only because I fear that my fellow younger gender would self-destruct.
And from my observation, I found that most Gen-Y girls have turned out to be socially-awkward.
Most Gen-Y girls boast confidence that have been through the roof within the comfort of their social networks but in actual fact, they can’t even hold a decent conversation.
Through my constant observation, most Gen-Y women tend to be vulnerable of their own ideas of perfection, especially in relationships – to an extent they became delusional of what a relationship is all about and supposed to be.
I know a lot of Gen-y women who sought divorce from their husbands on a weekly or monthly basis. "I want a divorce because you did not answer my phone calls, hence you don’t care. I want a divorce because you were online and you didn’t reply my WhatsApp."
In fact, two of my female acquaintances filed for their divorces last month – not because of domestic issues of whatsoever – but merely for the heck of it.
Gen-Y women imagine things to be handed to them on a silver platter – because I’m assuming these girls would rather be indifferent to rejecting or acting coldly towards people who pursue them.
I don’t think they know what it is like to earn or work for someone's attention. Gone are the days where women work their way into someone's heart from their own initiative and emotional investment.
They work harder for 'likes' on Instagram, learning angles, poses or the perfect lighting rather than placing efforts to possess stellar attitudes, humility and intellect – that pretty much sum up the reflection of one’s inner beauty.
Most Gen-Y girls are a bunch of awesome copycats. They fall into several habits of hedonism, following status, quotes, actions and visuals that they deemed as glamorous – only because these girls are just too highly influenced.
It is like a roller-coaster of emotions with these girls, on a daily basis. One day, they are YOLO-ing and the next minute they are FoMO-ing. (YOLO is "you only live once" and FOMO is "fear of missing out" in the urban dictionary)
Ooh, they too love shortcuts; they like to use short forms or abbreviations.
I know this for a fact because I have to work with Gen-Y women a lot – the talks, the impressive proposals, complete with animations but when it comes to the real crux of the matter (read: execution) you can expect them to slip a notch or two or more. Or at times, they don't execute at all - they blindly wait for that oh-so-reliable imaginary elf to perform magic for them.
Don't get me wrong, I have great respect and love for my younger female friends in my social circle. But, I am writing this only because being a woman is not all about having things your way and proves to the world that girls rule the world.
Women have to change our attitudes and lean towards being 'other-centred' and people-serving because naturally, that's who we are. That's why God created women with wombs, so we can carry our baby and be selfless towards other beings, at the same time, putting attention on ourselves so we don’t abandon our growth, health and well-being.
I believe that the Gen-Y (ers) out there, the weaknesses or shame that eventually translate into selfishness to merely make up for … insecurities, perhaps?
For a woman who is born in the 70s, surrounded by Gen-Y girls, I have also learned that life would be much more meaningful if we constantly and consistently improve our mental, physical, emotional and even spiritual well-being, and equip ourselves with motivation and knowledge to become a better person for ourselves and especially for our family, rather than to be like a trophy - admired but loveless.
Well, if you don't agree with me, laugh it out, will ya? Laughter is the best medicine, after all.
YOLO, remember?
#Gen-Y #GST #menses #sanitary pads #women