Obama urges youth to make a difference

Noor Azam Shairi
April 27, 2014 10:47 MYT
President Barack Obama speaking to ASEAN youth leaders - photo by AP
The President of the United States, Barack Obama has called for young people to make a difference in their communities and work towards building a future that they dream of.
In a speech delivered to over 100 youth leaders from the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) at a town hall meeting on Sunday, Obama said he has observed how much the community in South East Asia envisioned for a better future in the areas of politics, economy, education and governance.
He added that the youth made up two thirds of the region's population and therefore should lead the change for the future.
“I want all of you to be optimistic about the future even as I talk about the issue on global warming,’ he told participants of the town hall, held at University Malaya.
Obama said the future lies with the younger generation and it is up to them to shape the kind of future that they want.
He added that every generation has its own challenges but with every passing generation, the world is made a better place than before.
“You can educate parents, friends and colleagues and that process will lead to changes in government policies,” said Obama.
The hour-long dialogue session at one point touched on Obama’s personal life when he was asked the meaning of happiness.
“That is a philosophical question,” said Obama.
In answering the question, Obama said, happiness to him means time spent with his loved ones and family and that he was true to his beliefs.
“As I get older, I appreciate the time spent with my loved ones and family. The older I get I am confident with what I belief,” said Obama.
He explained that an individual can achieve happiness if they keep to their words and do what they are confident in consistently.
Obama in his visit to the four countries in Asia which was postponed last year as the US Congress had failed to come to an agreement on the country’s budget which caused temporary paralysis to the government.
Apart from Malaysia, Obama had earlier visited Japan and South Korea and will continue his visit to the Philippines on Monday.
#Barack Obama #yseali