#KitaSama: Share your stories and photos with us!

Astro Awani
Ogos 16, 2014 02:30 MYT
Submit your best original content for AstroAWANI.com's #KitaSama microsite!
Profess your love for the country and commemorate the 57th Merdeka Day celebration with Astro's #KitaSama campaign at Astro AWANI.
Befittingly themed, 'Malaysia…This is where love begins' -- what better way to usher in the auspicious day by sharing your interpretation of #KitaSama with us.
Your submissions of original, interesting, quirky and heartwarming anecdotes can be in the form of heartfelt stories or poems.
You'd also want to share with us your heartwarming National Day celebration in the past -- which had left you teary-eyed listening to the national anthem, 'Negaraku' played on the eve of the August 31 countdown!
Hey, we are also interested to know your efforts in promoting unity. Do share with us your thoughts!
A group of Italian football fans cheering on for their team during the World Cup tournament in July. Photo: Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar
Oh ... you're not much of a wordsmith (a tedious creative process for you, perhaps), we hear? Fret not, as we would like to cajole all to also submit your own interpretations of #KitaSama, in the form of photos and videos.
We suggest that you snap that precious moments that best show a day in the life of a Malaysian.
Get creative ... enlist your friends, colleagues, schoolmates or family members to be part of the Kodak moment!
Share your story and photos to our email: feedback@astroawani.com
NOTE: Should our editors decide to use your content, we will upload it on AstroAWANI.com’s #KitaSama microsite.
##KitaSama #Merdeka