Inaugural live speech by Najib on Merdeka eve

Ogos 29, 2014 21:56 MYT
INAUGURAL: After delivering his Merdeka speech at Matic, Najib is also expected to launch the Merdeka Stamps at the same venue.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is expected to deliver his address live for the first time on the eve of 57th Merdeka anniversary, unlike in previous years where his speech was recorded in studio and broadcast later.
This time around Najib will be delivering his speech live in Dewan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysian Tourism Centre (Matic), in Jalan Ampang with the presence of his cabinet colleagues, senior officials, representatives of communities, Ngos, students bodies and others.
The event at Matic will be hosted by the Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama) and broadcast live through radio and television.
"Previously, the Merdeka address by the Prime Minister is pre-recorded behind closed doors and it was more formal. For the first time this year, we are doing something different", said Communication and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek after inspecting the preparations at the hall.
After delivering his address, Najib is also expected to launch the Merdeka Stamps at the same venue.
Matic the venue
Matic was chosen as the location for the Prime Minister to deliver his address, as it was the same venue that hosted significant events before and after independence.
On 24 Feb, 1948, the Federation of Malaya Council held its inaugural meeting on the road for self-governance. It is also the venue where three Yang di-Pertuan Agongs were installed including the first Agong Tuanku Abdul Rahman Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Muhammad. It was also where the inaugural Parliament
session was held in 1959.
Matic was initially the abode of Eu Tong Seng, a wealthy rubber and tin merchant. It was built in 1935, on a 2.6 hectare rambutan orchard.
In 1941, at the onset of World War II, the British acquired the place and used it as its garrison and subsequently occupied by the Japanese in 1945. - By Nurul Halawati Azhari
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