Coexisting in harmony despite the diverse cultures and religions

Astro Awani
September 1, 2014 11:52 MYT
Malaysia has an extremely cultural diverse environment, filled with many different ethnicities and religions that really defines the slogan 'Malaysia, Truly Asia'.
With a population of 22 million, Malaysia boasts a highly diverse ethnic and religious composition. While Islam is the national religion of the country, freedom of religion is practised in the country.
This tolerance among the people is highly evident in the way the people celebrate the different festivals of each ethnic group by coming together to celebrate with each other.
The major festivals are Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas, during which the community would visit each other is a practice called ‘open house’.
Malaysians are free to practice his or her religion and to propagate it in the country. This religious diversity is what makes Malaysia unique and strengthens national unity. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar
##KitaSama #different #harmony #Merdeka #religious diversity