Uber driver diverts 50km before sending sleeping passenger home

Nizam Bakeri
Ogos 30, 2016 13:25 MYT
The e-mail receipt from Uber shows the route taken by the driver - Twitter/Hannah Warman
Last Sunday, Hannah Warman woke up and realised she was home.
The London-based comedian fell asleep on her journey home using Uber ride, unaware that she snoozed for about an hour and a half on what should have been a five-minute walk, if she chose to.
She only noticed what had happened on the following day, when she examined the e-mail receipt from Uber.
It was a 56km detour, and she is far from happy.

When u think "It's only a 5 min walk but f**k it, I'll get an uber!" & u fall asleep #LookAtTheRouteHeTook! @uber pic.twitter.com/xsELKpsgjF

— Hannah Warman (@hannahwarman) August 29, 2016
An error occurred while retrieving the Tweet. It might have been deleted.
"First of all I was shocked and upset about how expensive it was because I thought the driver must've got lost and I shouldn't have been charged for his mistake," she explained.
"Then I realised he couldn't have got that lost because they have Sat Navs and the map with the start and end point would've been in front of him. It looks like he went the longest way around possible."
According to Mashable, the incident was duly reported and she eventually received a full refund from Uber.
"I still believe that most Uber drivers are good, hard-working people who probably have the customer's best interest in mind, but I think it's too easy for the less nice ones to get away with conning people, or worse," she added.
#hannah warman #Uber