The Nestle story: Success through diversity

Astro Awani
Jun 23, 2015 00:35 MYT
Family-friendly policies implemented include compressed work, flexi hours, shift swapping and staggered hours.
A COMPANY with a mixed balance of male and female employees is more likely to do better than a company skewed to workers of the same sex.
This is according to research from US-based management consulting company Gallup which found that apart from an improved fiscal outcome, such diversity also allows a company to serve an increasingly diverse customer base.
Its research suggests that since men and women have different views and market insights, working together enables better problem solving leading to improved performance at the business unit level.
No other company knows this better than Nestle Malaysia, which strives to create a gender-diverse platform.
Approximately 45 per cent of senior and mid management leadership positions at Nestle Malaysia are held by women, which is higher than the national average of 34 per cent.
“I joined Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad in 1996, and my journey with Nestlé has been both fulfilling and exhilarating. I credit the strong leaders throughout my career who were caring enough to offer mentorship, and their support and trust in me have been the key component in my career success.”
“The company value of “TRIP+C” (Trust, Respect, Involvement, Pride + Commitment) has made Nestlé a good place to work and motivate each of us to do our best!” said Yit Woon Lai, Business Executive Manager of the Ice Cream Division.
Nestle Malaysia believes diversity in their business and supply chain is an asset which needs to be encouraged and nurtured.
With more women striving to climb the management ladder, Nestle Malaysia believes gender balance is needed at all levels.
In an effort to recruit more women, Nestle launched its global 'Flexible Work Environment at Nestlé Guidelines' in 2010.
Two years later, in 2012, the company came up with its 'Flexible Working Arrangements Guidelines' to help employees balance their personal and professional lives.
Family-friendly policies implemented include compressed work, flexi hours, shift swapping and staggered hours.
As for working mothers, this company provides benefits such as extended maternity leave, infant feeding schemes for mothers, designated car parks for pregnant women, and dedicated mothers’ room for mothers to breastfeed.
“As a working woman in Malaysia, Nestlé is a company that provides the necessary environment and support that allows working women to strive to be at their best.
"They offer an excellent “Wellness-at-work” program for all staff, that includes providing fruits twice weekly, fitness classes, and regular medical talks and check-ups which I benefit from in order for me to take care of my health.
“Nestlé Malaysia is also a very dynamic organisation that is agile to cater to the needs of the changing environment, and the company gives me the opportunity to play a role in influencing these changes by providing opportunities to women in leadership roles within the company.
“It is great to see that 43 per cent are women in leadership positions within Nestlé Malaysia. This gives me the confidence to strive for the best for the organisation, and makes me proud to be a woman,” said Ng Su Yen, Business Executive Manager of its Dairy Business Unit.
For Aisyah Shamsudin, who works as Administrative Support in the Chilled Business Unit, the company's policy offering flexible working hours and facilities is a big plus point as she will be able to attend to her child’s needs while managing her work responsibilities.
"It puts me at ease to know that Nestlé has policies in place for mothers; this has made it easier for me to return to the workforce after maternity leave.
With such efforts already in play, Nestle Malaysia is well on its way to forging a brighter future for the company while overcoming the challenges faced by many working women and men.
#female #Gallup #male #Nestle #Yit Woon Lai