The 60th PAS Muktamar - Day 3

The 60th PAS Muktamar - Day 3

Sat Sep 20 2014
PAS legal bureau chief Hanifah Maidin delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar being held in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar
PAS legal bureau chief Hanifah Maidin delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar being held in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS legal bureau chief Hanifah Maidin delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar being held in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS members giving their undivided attention and support during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS members giving their undivided attention and support during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS delegates listening tentatively to a speech being delivered during the 60th PAS Muktamar that was held in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS delegates listening tentatively to a speech being delivered during the 60th PAS Muktamar that was held in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS supporters being entertained during a speech on the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS supporters being entertained during a speech on the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS Ulama Council deputy chairman Dr Mahfodz Mohamed delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS Ulama Council deputy chairman Dr Mahfodz Mohamed delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang reacts during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar held in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang reacts during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar held in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS Youth chief Suhaizan Kaiat delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS Youth chief Suhaizan Kaiat delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS Ulama Council deputy chairman Dr Mahfodz Mohamed delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the PAS Muktamar held at Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS Ulama Council deputy chairman Dr Mahfodz Mohamed delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the PAS Muktamar held at Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu addressing party members during his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu addressing party members during his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang walks on stage to deliver his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang walks on stage to deliver his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang  with another Ulama Council members raising their hands after the conclusion of the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang with another Ulama Council members raising their hands after the conclusion of the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja, Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub delivering his speech during the 3rd day of the 60th PAS Muktamar in Parit Raja Johor. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar

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