Transformers: The Last Knight beckons

Transformers : The Last Knight a bombastic blast of confusing fun

Wed Jun 21 2017
Voice actor Peter Cullen has reprised his role as Optimus Prime in 'Transformers: The Last Knight'. It appears Optimus Prime will never be the same as he is seen fighting his battles on his own. - Paramount Pictures
Voice actor Peter Cullen has reprised his role as Optimus Prime in 'Transformers: The Last Knight'. It appears Optimus Prime will never be the same as he is seen fighting his battles on his own. - Paramount Pictures

Voice actor Peter Cullen has reprised his role as Optimus Prime in 'Transformers: The Last Knight'. It appears Optimus Prime will never be the same as he is seen fighting his battles on his own. - Paramount Pictures

Bumblebee is seen fighting off a Sentinel in 'Transformers: The Last Knight' as the actions and explosions quite intense. -
 Paramount Pictures

Bumblebee is seen fighting off a Sentinel in 'Transformers: The Last Knight' as the actions and explosions quite intense. - Paramount Pictures

Left to right: Laura Haddock plays Viviane and Mark Wahlberg plays Cade Yaeger in 'Transformers: The Last Knight' as they explore the darker side of transformers. - Paramount Pictures

Left to right: Laura Haddock plays Viviane and Mark Wahlberg plays Cade Yaeger in 'Transformers: The Last Knight' as they explore the darker side of transformers. - Paramount Pictures

Mark Wahlberg plays Cade Yeager in 'Transformers: The Last Knight' as saving the Earth and rescuing the Autobots falls under his hands. -
 Paramount Pictures.

Mark Wahlberg plays Cade Yeager in 'Transformers: The Last Knight' as saving the Earth and rescuing the Autobots falls under his hands. - Paramount Pictures.

This film features the myth of King Arthur. Michael Bay was previously going to direct King Arthur (2004), and had worked on that film for five years, before leaving it due to budget issues. Is that Megatron? - Paramount Pictures

This film features the myth of King Arthur. Michael Bay was previously going to direct King Arthur (2004), and had worked on that film for five years, before leaving it due to budget issues. Is that Megatron? - Paramount Pictures

Left to right: Mini-Strafe, Mini-Slug, Isabela Moner as Izabella and Mini-Grimlock in 'Transformers: The Last Knight' as they hide from government TRF (Transformers Reaction Force). - Paramount Pictures

Left to right: Mini-Strafe, Mini-Slug, Isabela Moner as Izabella and Mini-Grimlock in 'Transformers: The Last Knight' as they hide from government TRF (Transformers Reaction Force). - Paramount Pictures

Transformers: The Last Knight known to be the most expensive Transformers film by having a budget of 260 million dollars as many cars and props are used in the set. - Paramount Pictures

Transformers: The Last Knight known to be the most expensive Transformers film by having a budget of 260 million dollars as many cars and props are used in the set. - Paramount Pictures

Left to right: Mark Wahlberg is seen in action inside a shooting machine and Director/Executive Producer Michael Bay on the set of 'Transformers: The Last Knight' giving instructions. - Paramount Pictures

Left to right: Mark Wahlberg is seen in action inside a shooting machine and Director/Executive Producer Michael Bay on the set of 'Transformers: The Last Knight' giving instructions. - Paramount Pictures

Left to right: Director/Executive Producer Michael Bay and 15 years old actress, Isabela Moner on the set of 'Transformers: The Last Knight' holds her ground and fights against the evil robots. - Paramount Pictures

Left to right: Director/Executive Producer Michael Bay and 15 years old actress, Isabela Moner on the set of 'Transformers: The Last Knight' holds her ground and fights against the evil robots. - Paramount Pictures

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