Astro's Anugerah Lawak Warna 2013

Anugerah Lawak Warna 2013 was brought to you by Astro in order of appreciating and acknowledging the comedy industry as well as the all the

Sun Aug 18 2013
Yana Samsuddin was one of the first to arrive at the Anugerah Lawak Warna red carpet. | Instagram: @astrogempak
Yana Samsuddin was one of the first to arrive at the Anugerah Lawak Warna red carpet. | Instagram: @astrogempak

Yana Samsuddin was one of the first to arrive at the Anugerah Lawak Warna red carpet. | Instagram: @astrogempak

Zizan Razak looking sharp and smart at the Anugerah Lawak Warna red carpet | Instagram: @astrogempak

Zizan Razak looking sharp and smart at the Anugerah Lawak Warna red carpet | Instagram: @astrogempak

Congrats to Rafidah & Lina, winners for Best Screenplay for #IstanbulAkuDatang #anugerahlawakwarna @grandbrilliance | Instagram: @iestatiptra

"Congrats to Rafidah & Lina, winners for Best Screenplay for #IstanbulAkuDatang #anugerahlawakwarna @grandbrilliance" | Instagram: @iestatiptra

Didie Alias always a show-stopper on th red carpet. | Instagram: @astrogempak

Didie Alias always a show-stopper on th red carpet. | Instagram: @astrogempak

Dato' AC Mizal and Neelofa were chosen as the hosts for Anugerah Lawak Warna | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Dato' AC Mizal and Neelofa were chosen as the hosts for Anugerah Lawak Warna | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Azizi Chunk Adnan wins the Best Comedy Director for '7 Dulang Asam Pedas' | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Azizi Chunk Adnan wins the Best Comedy Director for '7 Dulang Asam Pedas' | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

The skit from Sepahtu and Rahim R2 kept the night entertaining | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

The skit from Sepahtu and Rahim R2 kept the night entertaining | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Sketsa Johara wins the most popular radio comedy segment | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Sketsa Johara wins the most popular radio comedy segment | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Neelofa poses next to the car driven by Dato' AC Mizal | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Neelofa poses next to the car driven by Dato' AC Mizal | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Zizan Razak and Yana Samsudin shared the stage as they presented an award | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Zizan Razak and Yana Samsudin shared the stage as they presented an award | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Q Haidar and K Rahman perform the soundtracks from Rock Oo. Joining them towards the end was Mamat Khalid. | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Q Haidar and K Rahman perform the soundtracks from Rock Oo. Joining them towards the end was Mamat Khalid. | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Jeb Sepahtu wins the Most Popular Comedy Actor | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Jeb Sepahtu wins the Most Popular Comedy Actor | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Afdlin Shauki and Lisa Surihani teasing each other as they presented an award during Anugerah Lawak Warna | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Afdlin Shauki and Lisa Surihani teasing each other as they presented an award during Anugerah Lawak Warna | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Zizan Razak wins Best Comedy Actor (Film) for his role in 'Hantu Kapcai' | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

Zizan Razak wins Best Comedy Actor (Film) for his role in 'Hantu Kapcai' | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

S. Shamsuddin awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in comedy by the the juries of Anugerah Lawak Warna. | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

S. Shamsuddin awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in comedy by the the juries of Anugerah Lawak Warna. | Facebook: @Astro Gempak

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