Good athletes not necessarily good coaches - Megat Zulkarnain

Ogos 13, 2015 00:20 MYT
Pesaka secretary-general Datuk Megat Zulkarnain Omardin said there was a difference between an athlete and a coach.
The National Silat Federation (Pesaka) has always recognised the ability and capability of former National silat exponents and accepted their services as coaches once their retire from competition.
However, what is important to weigh before making any decision is that a prolific athlete or silat exponent would not necessarily become a good coach.
Pesaka secretary-general Datuk Megat Zulkarnain Omardin said there was a difference between an athlete and a coach, whereby a coach needs leadership qualities, knowledge and experience.
"There are former silat exponents who were successful during their hey days but there is no guarantee that they can become good coaches. This does not apply to silat alone but any other sport.
"As a coach, the person need to build a character as a leader, ability to train, patience and knowledge to mould his athletes," he told reporters after a meeting between Persatuan Bekas Pesilat Negara (PBPN) and Pesaka, Wednesday.
He said Pesaka welcomed PBPN's recommendations and contributions in the aspect of coaching to develop the sport.
#coaches #Megat Zulkarnain Omardin #Pesaka #silat