FAM's ignorance is key to Malaysian football's destruction - TMJ

Astro Awani
September 26, 2015 04:42 MYT
TMJ has repeatedly called for FAM to take less for themselves and do more to others, to ensure the success of Malaysian football.
Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim continues to berate the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) on the football governing body’s seeming disregard to contribute to the success of Malaysian football.
The Johor crown prince, who is Johor Football Association (PBNJ) patron, also took a swipe at local football fans that have been criticising him.
Like Kelantan Football Association (KAFA) president Tan Sri Annuar Musa, Tunku Ismail, who is popularly known as TMJ, questioned why is receiving a large chunk of the broadcasting revenue when they are doing so little.
Below is his statement posted on the Facebook page.
"Regarding the FAM’s broadcasting deal and the fixtures calendar, the FAM has seemingly remained stubborn. The broadcasting rights of all competing teams has remained little and similar to the previous years. Please enlighten me on why FAM should receive 40% of the broadcasting revenue, totalling about RM30 million, when FMLLP will be running the league. In contrast, in European countries, the competing teams receive 70-80% of the broadcasting revenue compared with a mere 30% for our teams. I hope that all teams will spend the little money they receive from the broadcasting deal wisely and effectively based on their respective financial capabilities. Don’t only spend it on getting foreign players. The priority should be given on the locals.
"In European countries such as Germany, players report to the national team camp four or five days before a match, but in Malaysia, players have to report for duty as early as two weeks before a match. As such, Malaysia have had an average double the training days more than Germany and England for each international match. This will result in the league getting long breaks and destroy the players’ momentum. It has to be reminded that the players are already at their peak forms and only need to brush up on tactics at the national team camp. What’s happening right now is that we are not winning and always losing. So, we should learn from others.
"I hope that the FAM will improve the league’s calendar and listen to football experts. Professional players need 72 hours to recover after every match. With the FAM making a tight schedule of two to three matches per week, it will negatively affect the players, especially those who represent the country.
"To all local football supporters, before you say anything about me, it’s better that you look yourself in the mirror first because I am the only one who have been speaking more for your teams' rights than your leaders have done. Judge the cowards who choose to stay silent and not standing for your rights."
HRH Brigadier General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Crown Prince of Johor
#broadcasting rights #FAM #harimau Malaya #Malaysian football #revenue #TMJ #Tunku Ismail