There is still hope for oppostion coalition to suceed - Tony Pua

T K Letchumy Tamboo, Hafiz Marzukhi
Ogos 9, 2015 11:38 MYT
Pua also opined that PAS will lose Kelantan in the next General Election because of poor administration.
The Opposition coalition believes that there is still hope for it to succeed despite the internal crisis that it went through, said Selangor DAP chairman Tony Pua.
He said this is because looking back at the opposition coalition's history and statistics, everytime the Opposition works together with any new party to form a new coalition, it emerges stronger.
"If you look at the statistics, there is still hope after so many failed coalitions.
"From Semangat 46 to Barisan Alternatif to Pakatan Rakyat and now Pakatan Rakyat 2.0, we only emerge stronger with every new coalition.
"We actually believe that if we work hard at it and work together, the chances of ruling Putrajaya is there," said Pua during his speech at a forum titled 'The future of opposition politics' at the 9th students leaders summit, Saturday.
Pua also opined that PAS will lose Kelantan in the next General Election because of poor administration.
PKR Youth chief Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad who was also a speaker at the panel, said one party alone cannot represent the different segments of the public.
"As much as we can point to the failure of Pakatan Rakyat today, we also have to look at its success in the past. What we have achieved, the level of scrutiny on the federal government is intense," he said.
"We have young people who voice out their opinions in the social media. The future is simple. To move forward, we need to have a broad movement of change involving NGOs and political parties," he added.
Shah Alam MP, Khalid Samad who was also present, said the opposition has a very bright future provided that it gets it act together.
#coalition #opposition #pact #stronger #Tony Pua