Terengganu UMNO must avoid conflict to continue ruling state - PM

Ogos 20, 2016 23:39 MYT
NAJIB: 'Ask ourselves... it's fight or flight.'
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak wants Terengganu UMNO to avoid conflict among each other and to remain united if they want to continue ruling the state.
The Prime Minister, who is also UMNO president, said though the turmoil in Terengganu was akin to a 'storm in a teacup', it could fester badly if the people were disunited.
"In political terms, Terengganu is a 'swing state'. It can switch from win to lose. But today we have to ask ourselves...it's fight or flight.
"In which direction is the wind blowing today? The wind today is blowing towards BN. If we want to win ... act like a winner. Don't bicker among yourselves," he said when opening Kuala Terengganu UMNO division delegates' meeting here on Saturday.
Datuk Seri Najib said in dealing with the turmoil which had always been an issue in the state, he hoped the people of Terengganu would continue to give him their trust and think of ways to improve the situation.
The Prime Minister added that he had met with several Terengganu state assemblymen in stages and he had always listened to their grouses to ensure Terengganu UMNO remained stable.
"Let's not get our heads muddled ....enough is enough. I see that Terengganu people are ever so confused...let me as prime minister and party president deal with the situation.
"I will decide what is best... I have discussed the matter openly with every state assemblyman ... but it is not over yet, still in the process. I want to know the truth and get the full picture, hopefully there is a consensus," he said.
Datuk Seri Najib said as a leader, he had always discussed things over with others before making a decision and he had never forced others to simply agree with him.
However, he hoped should anyone be displeased with a leader it should be raised in a civilised manner.
Meanwhile, to ensure UMNO's victory in the coming 14th General Election (GE14) Najib hoped that Terengganu UMNO would prepare the best strategy and work hard to win the people's hearts.
He said the division should wrest back the five seats won by the opposition in the last general election, including Kuala Terengganu parliamentary constituency while calling on everyone to wake up before it was too late.
The Kuala Terengganu parliamentary constituency has four seats - Bandar, Wakaf Mempelam, Ladang and Batu Buruk.
"There is no reason why Kuala Terengganu cannot do better for the next general election. I came to Terengganu because I know Terengganu has its uniqueness.
"In contrast to Kelantan, we lost since 1990 until today ... 26 years.
In Terengganu there were times when we won and times when we lost. At times we won big and at times it was a narrow win," he said.
Before ending his speech, Najib reminded UMNO members to continue to adhere to the principles of loyalty and love of the party which had contributed much to the race, religion and country.
"If we maintain our love and respect for UMNO's struggle, I believe we can continue to rule Terengganu.
"Terengganu is capable of advancing further, there are so many programmes we want to implement for Terengganu," he said while congratulating national track cyclist Terengganu-born Azizulhasni Awang who won a bronze medal in the Rio Olympics.
Also present were Menteri Besar and State UMNO liaison chairman, Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman and Kuala Terengganu UMNO division chief Datuk Mohd Sabri Alwi.
#Najib Tun Razak #terengganu #UMNO