Stop politicking, grow the economy!

Amerul Azry Abdul Aziz
Januari 8, 2019 18:37 MYT
"Greater Malaysia" must be seriously planned and collaboratively worked. It won't happen if berserk politicking is the only menu that the leaders can cook. - Filepic
What else can the elected political leaders do besides doing the checkmate of political chess?
2019 must be all about creating growths for the people's economics— young graduates need jobs with make-sense remunerations, middle and low-income earners demand for government's concrete plans on their betterment of living and also, the painful cost of living must be instantly mended.
Including me, a millennial in my late 20s, we don't want to be driverless by the political games that dig no economical returns to us.
We want physical impacts that can be seen, felt, benefited. No more useless political dramas that could dim the progressions that the country should have focused.
There are many other indispensable aspects of governance that are crucially needing the government's promised agendas to rebuilding them. The time cannot wait for the new brand government of the four-party political coalition to prove its better-than-BN's performance that they have vehemently promised to the people.
Malaysians have been demanding the government to walk their talks in mobilising every proactive effort that can embolden a sustainable breath of national economics.
We are no longer interested to see any political theatre staged to only please certain individuals in their political circles.
The New Malaysia that everyone of us wants is a land with social dissonance that can be economically grown with adequate sources that could fix a long rail towards creating more employment opportunities in the near future, especially for unemployed youths.
The government has to wisely strategise economical agendas that will haul more monetary benefits to every segment of potential Malaysians, especially farmers, small-scale entrepreneurs, land settlers, fishermen and other targeted groups that are thirsting of deserved benefits in return of their sacrifices and contributions to the domestic economics.
Selfish politicking must now be stopped. Every party, inside or outside of the federal and state governments, should be holding hands to form a strong unity in becoming a trustable coalition that can progressively work for the people and defend every right entitled to them.
We are getting bored of political leaders who just know to hold a microphone and speak rhetorical words for hours and get hand claps from countable audiences.
So, instead of gossiping, imagining, masterminding and scripting the story of who will be the right successor to the now prime minister, we should get our 2019 prime aims translated into real-life actions. Besides monetary and industrial growths, education and health are the other national components of the people’s well-being that must not be abandoned.
We hope that the government would not frustrate us, the citizens of this prosperous country, who wish to be governed by an "A+ government."
"Greater Malaysia" must be seriously planned and collaboratively worked. It won't happen if berserk politicking is the only menu that the leaders can cook.
#economy #education #entrepreneurs #farmers #fishermen #government #land settlers #Malaysia Baharu #politics