Preserve the 'tahaluf' for the sake of Islam, not an individual - Haron Din

Astro Awani
September 17, 2014 13:18 MYT
Haron Din said if there are any conditions in the tahaluf that has been violated, then the ulamas need to fix it.
Any forms of tahaluf (ties) or cooperation with any party should be preserved for the benefits of Islam and not for the interests of an individual, said PAS Deputy spiritual adviser, Datuk Dr Haron Din.
Haron said that if there are conditions that allow tahaluf infringement may prompt the ulamas (Muslim scholars) to fix them. If the problem persists, he added, the tahaluf under controlled circumstance, be severed.
"Tahaluf normally occurs during consultations with ulamas as there are rules and conditions that need to be observed. Defend the tahaluf for the benefit of the religion and not for the interests of any individual.
"If there is a condition that has been violated, then the ulamas are responsible to fix it.
"If it has been fixed, but still there is a problem then it can be severed just like a marriage that cannot be saved anymore," he said at the opening of 'Muktamar Dewan Ulama PAS' at IOI Palm Villa Golf & Country Resort, here, today.
Dr Haron in his speech reminded PAS members to remain loyal to their leaders because the problems emerged in the party were due to disloyalty towards leaders.
He said, the matter of being loyal to leaders was already mentioned by Prophet Muhammad SAW in a hadis.
"Listen and obey your leaders even if he is a slave, with curly and messy hair.
"This is the Hadith that emphasizes on the obligation of a Muslim to listen and obey his leader.
"As long as he does not instruct you to do bad things, and not ask you to disobey the commands of Allah, (then) we must obey.
"But if he (the leader) asks you to do bad things, then don't listen.
Dr Haron also said that there are many lies and slander in politics which lead to internal crisis including those that are purposely created.
However, he said internal problem should be kept within the party and not be known to outsiders.
#Haron Din #muktmar #PAS #tahaluf