Perak PKR's willingness to work together aimed at ending political impasse

Abd Razak Mohd Ali
Disember 8, 2020 23:30 MYT
Farhash hoped that political leaders do not neglect their responsibilities simply because they do not understand each other.
IPOH: The willingness of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Perak to work with all parties will only expedite the establishment of a state government that can foster the spirit of unity.
Perak PKR Leadership Council chairman, Farhash Wafa Salvador Rizal Mubarak said the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah had wanted all political leaders to find the best formula.
He said if all parties work together, then there will be a new political landscape and based on unity in line with the wishes of the Ruler.
"All political parties need to be more mature and adopt an open attitude," he said in a statement tonight.
According to him, the country needs an understanding of the new political landscape that can unite all races in facing the challenges of the post-COVID-19 world by consensus.
“Perak PKR invites all politicians to prioritise unity for the well-being of the people.
"Any peace effort is very important at this time so that the interests of the people are not neglected," he said.
He hoped that political leaders do not neglect their responsibilities simply because they do not understand each other.
"What is clear is that we are ready to give support to the government that prioritizes the spirit of agreement," he said.
#PKR #Perak #willingness #to work with all parties #Perak PKR Leadership Council #Farhash Wafa Salvador Rizal Mubarak